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Everything posted by Aiden

  1. Aiden


    Make void more expensive, 1 set should be like 150 vote points imo, make it valuable and sought after not just like a day of multi voting rofl. Make it so if your over 20 wildy and using void u lose it, so ppl dont just use it all the time and not risk, it should be something their worried about losing.
  2. remove ::oldbrid, take brids back to wests and easts, then add kbd, simples
  3. Clan Name NBK Members. 1. Aiden 2. Estimated 3. JJ 4. Panic2Hard 5. Rich Kash #NBK
  4. good video jake! nice variation of pk styles
  5. also, i didn't try and run away lmao i was tryna freeze you then dd, either way you killed me? gz good run in 1:40 "freebies dont come" seems like u planned freebies to come help u in a 3v3 sri? fully geared ready to help you guys?
  6. Aiden


    tbh NBK is just to give lavish some competition, me and cope and a few others are gonna leave roat soon and on to bigger things, roat just isn't skill based at the moment.
  7. Aiden


    lmao bruh u said on skype ur in lmfao.
  8. Aiden


    nah jjs watching eastenders and eating atm and im watching tv,reeks doin some pussy shit irl so ill pm u a time n date
  9. Aiden


    why wouldnt i be serious about beating ur clan in a sri
  10. Aiden


    arun was talking about shit that happened in the past and dissing our members so i dropped some killpics, and 2 of the 5 kps i posted of arun was when lavish was open because they was the other day lmao, arcanum was like a month ago, and the brid one on iodide was legit 2 days ago. you say rejects from your clan but they've always been cool with me and lets just wait and see, I'm not on this dickhead movement ting where ima talk shit in-game and 1v6 you lot at easts, we'll do it official and do SRI's and shit at magebank matched gear matched caps etc, dont worry all in due time. thnx for good luck bbs
  11. Aiden


    both of these kps are from 2016 cicililllli was my alt that everybody knew lmao, I pked with the same people and even said i was aiden??
  12. comes up with error message
  13. will remove the red square its just a watermark.
  14. Aiden


    same with Craig, How come you never fight on your proper accounts? Too scared? Aw
  15. Aiden


    I present to you NBK - Natural Born Killers The clanning activity is at it's lowest, Lavish and 5alive never war, so here we go, good luck. Members List: Aiden JJ Panic2Hard Pinky Jane Estimated Rich Kash Audemars Spankyy Reek Moimoimoi Best of luck to everyone, PM for Run ins.
  16. "make hybrids stop crying" if ppl actually listened to the hybrids and the suggestions they have, the server would be so much more appealing to the other pkers that play RSPS. but cool
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