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Everything posted by Aiden

  1. Freestlye please bud. Good work so far.
  2. Pedro's is already gonna win, mad.. gl to every1 else
  3. Support on both, could also be added in the future to Corp if Big G adds pvm.
  4. Depends how you introduce it, like in OSRS with wilderness skilling I agree, dark crabs, skilling thing near Hellhounds, fountain of rune etc, would be good.
  5. Their such a shambles, I'm embarrassed to say i was in that team fml.
  6. It's probably your connection mate, ring up your provider (Sky, Virgin, BT, or other companies depending on where you're from) and complain about the service you're getting and threaten to join a different company, they'll suck up to you and offer you freebies and just tell them you want a internet boost and they should do it, if not, pay for an upgrade mate. Or, it could be your PC/Laptop being outdated etc. Best of luck.
  7. Aiden

    Run ins

    otf closed itself ^^ and im making a team atm, give us a few days.
  8. I asked if you was the leader of sh because I don't actually know who SH is, chill out bbz.
  9. Embarrassing when you spell embarrassing wrong... & you do realize the definition of a team = " a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. " So your idea of saying it's embarrassing to have a numbers advantage is completely irrelevant, the main purpose to having a clan/team is to have an advantage and to work together...Was you even educated at all?
  10. Aiden


    thanks, i'll look at getting some run ins soon Thanks, yeah coming soon
  11. Aiden


    thanks. Yeah I know, was getting in the swing of things then shit hit the fan, I left as soon as I saw ddos plans.
  12. Aiden


    I was a member of OTF but after being there for 2/3 days most of the active/best members decided to leave because we had a bad reputation. Certain members (no names mentioned) was planning on using DDoS'ing as a way of gaining advantages, now I may not be the nicest guy but fuck being in a clan that hits people offline. Just a heads up, I will be making a small team that is invite-only to have fun and war people, no beef intended.
  13. Eh, I wasn't even on at the time and heard so many diff stories about what happened, not quite sure what to believe. Either way, the clans disbanded because most of the main members (Myself included) don't like the idea of DDoS'ing rivals, cba for that, nonetheless, Well Played
  14. Add all barrows to the store, if you put dh in, people will stop dhing and edge and hybrid just start using torags, it'd make it worthwhile to add all barrows into pkp store, bandos in there for 500-750 a piece, so it has a decent value and not a little more than a VLS ppl start bridding with welfare and building up to pkp items, more skill is required.
  15. This is a brilliant suggestion, support mate.
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