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Everything posted by Tesfxye

  1. decent vid m8 only things I will say is that my client froze when ukilled me and the music is just abit homosexual also crop out the border bit next time pls/ other than that nice
  2. I have windows 10 on my new laptop and could not get onto roat pkz, whenever I tried to open the client it would just send me to an internet page . I couldn't find anything on the internet that would actually help so here is a simple guide on what i did to i fix it (may not work for all but worth a try) 1. download the roatpkz client from: http://www.roatpkz.com/download/ 2. delete java files you have already downloaded and download java jre only, you can do that from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html 3. go to the client, right click on it and go to "open with" like so; https://gyazo.com/680f88ccada0910cfd0ff81d64e7c861 (gif copied from @Gandalf)f it does not come up with this then just click on the default part, go to your files into java and find the java platform SE binary. Then the client should run normally. Anyone feel free to make a clearer guide as this one is rushed i just thought maybe someone else has the problem i had so id help out.
  3. nezt staff prmotion post will feature my name
  4. Tesfxye


    Loll m8, mine too lolllll kappa
  5. thts how you impress gril (leaving a like will also impress gril)
  6. I'm still better than them all they are arguing for second place
  7. Arma boss when acb is added?
  8. Why are you lying? I brought tsotd and slapped yup around until you started moaning asking me to bring ancient so I did. Mod way through the fight I froze and tabbed, so I said I was going to reset my router, then when I came back you said "someone was on my era account" so you didn't come to west to bride me again. Next time we are bidding with witnesses so you can't lie.
  9. Games been broken for months mate, we have heard the same things many times
  10. I bridded him today or yesterday cant remember, hes nothing special.
  11. lll fkn alex agen,,, cool vid
  12. This is a good idea The poll is the only part I think you should change as everyone will just be bias to who they do or don't like. should find another way of judging it like maybe getting a couple judges that won't be biased
  13. everyone knows its me beak don't make excuses
  14. not just sayin this bc you always hate on my videos but this wasn't good.... nice effort though mate
  15. they'll tell you to be patient and itll be fixed soon but don't listen bc they've been saying that for months
  16. I get mod and yt rank she rags gets mac ratal macced for duping sebastial gets unmacced brid and west get removed bc cancer and everyone just goes back to easts the way it should be FINALLY THEY ADD A FUCKING DECANTER
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YczCEF0RgU - lee logs after about three fights of tabbing (sped up). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mn16KT6i5E - and before that taylor after two fights (dh clip from yesterday).
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