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Sativa seeds

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Everything posted by Sativa seeds

  1. ty for s/o =-P yoob is nice guy sad that gretard did u dirty
  2. killian dog ... yes everything terrible
  3. Hope you like this fucking video
  4. nice video m8 and rlly good tune from the underachievers
  5. Well i'm not a retard so obviously i would got the pray up lol but true eating wouldn't of helped cause 329 xp drop is a 82 ags, and what comes to cancer server,he told me to let me tb him but i didn't off so yeah.. and why do you even mention that when you been hiding at oldbrid for the past week cause you will get tbed? and the first time u came out of your hiding and i fight you i get tbed lol
  6. Alright smokey before u even start gassing im just gonna post what happened lol, i know it was my own stupid mistake lol idk how i managed to open the call but owell guess i need to learn to pk now??? AND ur still shit smokey, but starting to learn since u came out from the hide
  7. l0l sped up clips are more of a complain than cutting... 'actual oldbrid' you don't even make sense fkn scared to step in real wildy cus u don't know multi lines???? haaaaa retard noob kys l2pk :))
  8. or just learn to cut the clips retard fuck !!! come oldbrid come oldbrid, how bout going to actual wilderness u cancer fag !!
  9. nice sped up clips and black bars retard homo !! stay hiding in ::oldbrid retard kid kill yourself and don't say i'm just scared to brid cause im sick of getting 70'd on tank :)))
  10. ahmed is my m8 but gotta admit this was funny
  11. only best pkers will get it and i know ty
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