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Everything posted by trihard456

  1. I don't pk at brid but if there's no grace period, I'd like to suggest adding one for a couple seconds after you kill your opponent if you remove overheads.
  2. Which fight was I supposed to pay attention to?
  3. I said it that way because you're too dumb to understand the point I was trying to make so I had to dumb it down for you Rather have the ability to skip only if you're below 5 wilderness where there are no pvmers like the thread supposedly targeted. Sometimes players attack you the moment they get you as a target but when you see them you have no interest in fighting but they attack you before you get the chance to skip. The outcome most likely is obvious. Run out and skip but that's just plain annoying and a waste of time to do.
  4. You clearly dont pk enough do you? I guarantee you that most edge pkers (main) who do not attack you prior to being a target will off you if you skip them. Also, I'm not talking about players spec rushing whatsoever or whatever you're trying to suggest, you retard. There's always people that ask for fights and those who attack without asking. Those who attack without saying anything are what I term rushers. When it comes to target fights, i don't care what they do, as long as they fit my criteria of an opponent i want to fight. You're literally 0 iq Forgot to add since i cannot edit, they'll also off you if you turn on melee prot along with skipping
  5. Are you brain dead? I'm in melee and a dher who becomes my target quickly attacks me. I want to skip. I'm not talking about some kid in dh with 1 hp rushing me. I want to pick and choose my targets when i edge pk. Having to leave the wilderness would be a nuisance everytime i want to skip. The point i am making is that some people in edge quickly attack you the moment we become targets when i am not interested.
  6. Lol. Why should I have to step out to skip a target. That's fucking stupid. You were arguing about pvmers skipping targets. Didn't know npcs were in low wildy m8. But ima vote no now
  7. Deep wildy i support but not like at edge. I prefer not to fight dhers when I melee, for example, but sometimes when I get one as a target, they rush me the moment they're my target.
  8. Who r u. I had no combo food and they were tagging me. I can't survive that. Either pray melee and get ballista'd or pray range get claw specced. That's my suicide account too so no loss.
  9. I dislike amenity, partly because of his keyboard method but have been tempted to try this because I'm a very inconsistent clicker and I'm left handed. This gives me even more reason to try it...
  10. I have kraken and eternal boot risk = well over the 1k risk defense. Already had that thought out. I must've killed you x]
  11. I never use acb, really don't feel difference between rcbow and acb. Kraken, I only use against decent pkers. Crystal Shield is best alternative for me when I don't do a cape switch since it's a private server unless I use a dragon fire shield or arcane. The range defense is worth using over other shit. New additions. Trash team btw
  12. Appreciate it :D. I personally enjoy welfare pking over using barrows+. I only increase risk if I think I can't kill them. It's a good feeling when you're in inferior gear and get the kill.
  13. Could do that. Only problem I'd see is what would be done for the max tribrid/hybrid/zerker tournaments. They wouldn't be max anymore. Like an inbetween welfare and high risk. Would probably have to take away stuff like arcane, mage's book, magic hats, maybe imbued capes. I'm asking a lot but because tournament worlds are out, this is the perfect time to re-evaluate magic. This is also true, especially for pure
  14. Forcing pre sets is only a bandage for a bigger problem
  15. Magic is simply too op on this server when it comes to higher bonus. That's the problem. I've said this a couple times on the forums. Around like 120 magic bonus or so, it's like no matter what gear you're wearing, a person can drain your food in a short period of time with barrage alone. I remember you did this Testing formulas but magic does not seem to have changed. It feels like there's no difference between tanking with full black d hide or karils with ahrim skirt, staff, mage's book, etc for tanking magic. You will get wrecked regardless. Bonus lower than this or so seems fine to me, I'm simply wanting to see the gap of accuracy reduced when it comes to higher magic bonus. There's still around a week or two left to test magic in tournament worlds before they're gone. Perfect opportunity.
  16. I usually screenshot drops I get, haven't played much due to job. Thought I'd share a small compilation of kills even if not that impressive. Newest to oldest, forgot to screen shot some kills for ags, serp, etc Guy logged out on me so I go on alt to catch up Switched too early, worth it
  17. I personally want to keep it because I lured someone there before for decent loot x] Sad times. That's how I started and now I'm forced to main nh all the time as a replacement
  18. I made a thread on the same thing and everyone told me to run around it or kill it lawl. I support though
  19. Awesome updates but idk how things are gunna go if one person gets the Arclight. They could prob die constantly and still get the kill
  20. I don't use osrs switches cause it's too delayed than what it should be so support for that As for magic accuracy, I think it's fine until you reach like 120+ magic bonus. People are saying magic isn't accurate enough yet from my experience, it just wrecks through anything regardless of your magic defense bonus if the persons magic bonus is in the 120 range. It just becomes retarded after that. You can legit drain someones food with magic alone with high magic bonus.
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