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Why Gg

Extreme Donator
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Everything posted by Why Gg

  1. Why Gg


    Hey, welcome to RoatPkz. Hope you enjoy your stay m8.
  2. Still waiting for the "most complete pker" on RoatPkz to upload his first vid
  3. wasnt that ur rsn loooooooool
  4. Why Gg


    Nahhh I want the player mod much better colour m8
  5. Sorry, most likely not mate. To ensure this doesn't happen again in the future please set an email and a security code.
  6. Why Gg


    Super Donator - That looks dope Staff should have some sort of glow to their ranks ygm? Avoids confusion between similar colours. Also, the rank that you have should be the same colour in yell. For example, [Super Donator] [Owner] [Global Admin]
  7. I don't like the fact you sped up the clip, but not bad
  8. Fine Stijn... I'll stop the bullying for today.
  9. We both know I'm not going to read that, y'all need to relax and stop trying so hard. I'll stop bullying you in-game if you chill
  10. Are you in love with me? You're quoting me on every thread.
  11. Every private server has a separate zone for ::chill or ::afk, we don't need them being in the same place. Cw is slowly becoming active again. We have too many teleports right now, the same old boring ones. Most are useless, they should be replaced. Edge will never and has never been a place to sell items. It's been ::chill most of the time. And no, we don't need that much space for a chilling/afking zone.
  12. did i die to you? lee be quiet before i pull out all the kills and embarrass you
  13. I find it cute how defensive you all get when you get slapped loooooooooool
  14. Just like almost all other private servers, we need our own zone for buying/selling items. I'm suggesting adding something like ::market, it saves a lot of effort. We need a new ::chill zone. ::cw and ::chill don't mix very well. I'm suggesting a city/island that's for people to chill/afk, only problem is I can't come up with an area for it. Feel free to leave any suggestions on where you'd like to see ::chill in the future We need to see some change in the server, I think I speak for most people when I say it's getting boring seeing the same people/places/items. 07 updates are of course the priority here, but this will lead to change in RoatPkz which is GOOD. We need to see some change around here in order to move forward and expand. ::heaven and ::hell are useless teleports. If we're going to add a decent ::chill zone we don't need any extras.
  15. Alright mate of course you did, if that makes you happy.
  16. Or... Just add the rock cake? I like the idea of Zammy brews being added though.
  17. thats how i 100% know thats u in that fb profile pic u skinny lil pussio l0000000l
  18. fucking low life l0000000000l u claim ur bad but u donate $2500 to a fucking rsps that has no more than 150 players online each day GET A LIFE STOP SPENDING YOUR MUMS PS YOU WANNABE LOOOOOOOOOL No wonder ur safe and not getting banned u just donate more money to stay unbanned l00000000000000000l fucking sideman
  19. stop talking like ur bad u fucking ugly rat, u look like jason irl a skinny lil neek that ddoses people online wake up pussy from road? http://prntscr.com/8dtzmr HE DONATED $1480 ON THIS CANCEROUS GAME LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stop trying to be like me u pussy boys
  20. I would give you +1's but I've run out for the day. OT: Why is this idiot not macbanned yet? It was just flame to begin with, but now he's resulting to threatening to dox people. May I add doxxing is illegal in the UK? Careful what you say online bigboi
  21. ima give you a +1 for that, spoke the truth castial! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Our posts are quality, neither of us like anyone on the forums besides each other. Why not?
  23. Is that why you needed a team of 4 with a tber to TRY kill me? Spastics you can't even kill a king if it's 4v1 or 10v1. LEVELS KIDS Who are you lmfao?
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