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Posts posted by Arcadium

  1. few kill pics including some KS enders and some fucking dirty specs including my biggest ever dds-maul stack yet. Been Pure NHing a lot recently and finally at a fairly decent level although plenty of progress to be made still. Enjoy.



    A1zen ((July 20, 2019) - (19-52-35)).png

    From0tobank ((August 01, 2019) - (18-02-22)).png

    I Mito I ((June 20, 2019) - (21-19-43)).png

    Miner Lover ((July 09, 2019) - (17-48-43)).png

    Moist Rag ((June 11, 2019) - (13-41-40)).png

    Nuckfuts ((July 29, 2019) - (16-51-27)).png

    Pr0zx ((July 31, 2019) - (00-01-00)).png

    Prison Shank ((July 17, 2019) - (23-10-43)).png

    Rip Chow Rip ((July 29, 2019) - (19-10-31)).png

    Tipsy Nugget ((August 07, 2019) - (18-23-58)).png

    Zhustla ((June 18, 2019) - (11-01-47)).png

    74 ks.png


    101 damage on this next one, huge spec


    biggest stack 101.png

    Shadinko ((July 31, 2019) - (18-02-57)).png

    Ysn Xi ((July 30, 2019) - (13-13-14)).png

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  2. kinda pointless post but for a community that has players that call the game shit all the time, it's actually a good server at the end of the day

    There's definitely things in the game that piss me off all the time and features that need work but we have to remember that Gretar is only one man and for how much shit he gets, hes done sick to implement what's he done into the server on his own. 

    Gotta appreciate all staff members too- for the amount of abuse they get they happily still volunteer to spend their time helping to sort shit out in game which is good to see.

    Even the players, who can be toxic as fuck no doubt, make up a pretty good community. I see supportive comments n shit on people's PKing vids and other posts all the time and it's actually pretty cool to see. You don't really get cunts on the forum who'll just say 'shit vid' or whatever for no reason, people actually support new video makers a lot. 

    At the end of the day, we all say it's shit but continue to spend hours a day playing it. As I said, no good reason for this post just wanted to show some appreciation to the staff team n also the players who arent toxic as fuck all the time and are generally good people.

    @Gretar @Smackd @Ban152@Fantastic @JBLIND

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  3. Just a random little discussion- I want to know what people think: is the average roat pker/nher/brid? better than the average OSRS pker/nher/brid?

    or, looking at it differently, how good are the best roat players compared to OSRS players? are they actually not that great or are they decent?


    I don't play OSRS anymore and I've only seen a few videos from @Smackd and he looks pretty good on OSRS, but theres not much else I can use to support this discussion. LMK what you think

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  4. Was gonna do something like this a week or so ago but didn't really start it properly, so hopefully this is the one that I use. I'm just gonna update this thread with any decent kills or updates on my account that I think are worthy of showing off. Not the best NH by far, but since I started NHing 4 ish months ago I've made a fair amount of progress.


    Started at 1635 ish ELO. Aiming to reach Top 50 all time which is roughly 1666 ELO. 



    After about a week (haven't played much at all) I've boosted my ELO to 1643 which is still progress I guess.



    Also managed to get a fairly nice NH kill for some decent loot.



    Haven't played most of Xmas and just started uni again so been inactive, but managed to get into top50 and up to 1654 elo! Do wanna try and get camtasia sorted soon so I can make vids tho


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  5. shrooms x2

    first was at a festival, most i've laughed in 20 years. Didn't trip much except when I did NOS balloons which is fucking mad combined with shrooms. Went into a crowded area after though and got like mad anxiety, not an anxious person at all usually though.

    Second time was just round a friends house, only took 2g but tripped more than I ever thought I could. Don't know what sort of shrooms they were but they were insane. Everything was moving, changing colours, my friends face turned into the clock and the clock turned into his face. To talk to him, I kept looking up at the clock and talking cos that's where his face was. Funny as fuck.

  6. Hey dudes, I don't usually post on the forums but prob should start. Some of you in the community may know me, some may not. Been NHing for around 3 months now (was a rune shitter before that) so I'm not the best NH or even close to one of the best but I've got decent since I started.

    Now we've got the new ELO system I wanna just post updates if I can increase my ELO and hopefully soon get into top 50 overall, that's the main aim

    My current highest: 


    Just gonna keep this as a goals/achievements kinda post and update now and then. Soz if no1 cares

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