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Everything posted by l DONT NOW

  1. Your switches look slow af ingame and timings too so how do u back that up i think a vid from u would be more wanted by the community than daily updates lmfao would be crazy good laugh
  2. I’ll give him 4 of my kills on you so that’s 4-3, and I keep remaining 2 so that’s 2-1 vs us goodjob little mexican
  3. ain't nobody scared of you pussy fuck u talking about LMFAO don't let it get to ur head slow down on the pills dummy
  4. Veng and barrage timers? tf? fuck it let's just give the ags 400 horsepowers and 1350 str bonus too rofl
  5. ”Game started lool bye dad”
  6. Definitely. Looks nice and we don’t have to be ”ALL OSRS” that’s what makes us unique I like this idea
  7. Nah 8-2 tabs and I saved ur acc from dying to g unit ungrateful rat lmfao they had u YOU ARE SLOW, YOU ARE BAD, COMPARE VID, COME BACK🤟
  8. yh check the score, and our vid, compare them
  9. ”Robotic and fake” i don’t have to click with my mouse to be good i’m clicking with my f keys and I’m better than you LOOL fix urself g i don’t see u hating on amenity Fam they called me autoswitcher up until this point now I’m a ”antidrag script using fkey switching robot” these niggas MADDDD
  10. I pk on alts cuz i use erca for staking and risking nothing else it’s just an account L O L it ain’t even got d def or rune pouch tf u on about ”ur switches look robotic and fast af” idgaf about compliments yet thats all u give me haha but yo, fr if I never ”call u out” the scores wouldn’t be what they are and I don’t fight u when u want to i fight u when i want to don’t come on my thread saying ”did i say now?” Motherfcker u play 22 hours a day
  11. yeah, i know right, spawnables and u tabbed to me PLEASE, GET OFF MY THREAD LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO I can't respect a white boy named bart who calls himself "da shoota" O ye NOOOOOOOOW you wanna sesh me? after 20-5 score, and after the COUNTLESS times you've went afk when I called u out when i had items r0fl another sucker begging for clout smh arun yella 2 whole minutes waasteed hmu l8r check my vid and urs, big difference, test video vs u trying ur best lmfakf0slfal0l0fa0lf0l
  12. ........... Cheat? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I ain't afraid of none of yall niggaz l0l i fight who i see and arun CHECKDASCORE btw I see u plank everyday and it's like 20-5 or some shit? don't make this shit something it isn't it's the second time I upload a test vid (happened to be better than urs) stop hating
  14. I have it for osrs, got it recently from good mate thought i'd try it out, btw I can just to ::drag 1 or ::drag 20 to me it doesn't matter I can switch on both point was to see kinda how it works in combat, but mr einstein here missed that also, that's ALL you got to say for a vid that's better than ALL of urs? a TEST vid btw LOL cmon ik u liked it lil fella
  15. only quality test vid nub i can get veri faster
  16. Another shitty vid, hoping it’s better quality ty @Hatcx & @JBLIND for the help @Gretar You can barely get kills in spawnables pls get a safe money making method enjoy ladies @Xbrzh btw I hope my switches don’t look ”robotic” this time I made this for entirely for u and for the testing @Fancy Boots @Suor @smoothie is back
  17. l DONT NOW

    @Mr Jake

    uhh? hjaahahaha
  18. I said ur attitude don't match how u look i was right LOOLOL
  20. i didn't know about ur sig tbh I use my phone sig's don't pop up and ur irl on ur skype was half of ur face, now i know enough with the roasts this isn't a roast show go ahead and roast urself if u want idc but GOD DAAAAAAMN BOY YOU ARE UGLY AS HEEEELL I WOULD SMASH YOUR FUCKING FACE AND MAKE ALL INDIANS SLEEP IN FEAR HOLY SHIT do not EVER speak to or about me again
  21. ghaaaaaaad fuck me I had the best laugh of 2018... ty my g u look like a fucking victim u look like one of them who shake hands with the guy who just robbed you LOL boy you shoulda never called me out on this smfh
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