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Old thread was messy

Fix lag/disconnects in tournaments. For some reason people (including me) always disconnect in tournaments. This is not due to having a bad internet!

Remove whip/tent from Pure Nh/Pure tournament 

Add a duel arena KDR (you still get PKP for killing someone but it kills/deaths do not register on your PVP KDR). Example of notification to receive after losing/winning a duel "You have now won 201 duels and lost 196." (Exists on 07 and some RSPS's already)

Remove "ROAT PKZ" switches and add drags to "OSRS SWITCHES" and let it be the only option. Switching is TOO EASY and it's too fast. 

Buff Dragon claws and put them in the PK shop for 5k at least

Buff Dragon warhammer accuracy, it's useless.

Add other drops to bosses, for example: Arcane and Ely to Chaos elemental (since it's already dropping one of the spirit shields) until we get a fully working Corporeal beast? 

Serp, dragon warhammer to Roat Pkz champ? Pvm'ing is dead at the moment, there's not much to get from a boss and it's really rare to receive a good drop.

Add decorative mage armour to Castle wars shop.

Add  PK'ing zones like ::Edgepvp but in Varrock or Camelot or even Canifis? These three spots are always empty and they'd be great places to PK (imo).

Remove KDR completely? 100 player server, no use for it people make alts just for KDR and refuse to play on their mains.

Add spec-transfer? (Should not work ::brid)

Completely wipe and reset accounts that have not been used for a ages (2, 3, 4 years?) this due to all the good names being taken and there's NOBODY using them.

Add clue scrolls (easy, medium, hard and elite) another way to make PKP where you're most likely going to be in a safe-zone.

Change players facing direction in stakes from horizontal to vertical (hope this makes sense, I'll post an example or a clarification if wanted)

Fix the zoom in/out option the ones we got now is shit we can't decide how much or how little we want to zoom.

You can hit someone from 3-4 squares away from you, this is so bad and has caused me to die from DDS specs when they'd actually have to run to me first and be in close combat then spec (enough time to eat and/or put defensive overhead prayer on)


Small fixes, shouldn't take you too long @Gretar

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