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firstly, with the trading post, i feel like many people are intersted in looking at the item's history sale, so maybe if theres a way of checking the item history sale (how much it was sold for), it would give a good idea on the average price.

as in skilling, we need something to boost it up, maybe a item that provides x2 skilling xp because this is far too difficult for majority of the people trying to achieve the max cape.

raids has been a suggestion for a long time, we are still patiently waiting for that to be added in, i know the coding n such has to be on point but it has been a suggestion from way back.

i dont understand how many people disagree with this, clearly they dont dh like many others, the DH AXE needs reworking on, we feel more confident axing on 50hp than 2hp and thats that, it has been a problem in my eyes and for many others so please do look into that.

ever since this easter event has come in, people have been asking if the dinh bulwark is actually worth buying as they dont see a difference, so maybe im wrong, but please do look into that too.

lastly to end off, we need a option to change colour from only our view on chat, the colour of my clan chat and the yell chat are exactly the same and its difficult to pay attention to if the message was sent on yell or clan chat, so maybe from everyone account in their settings, they can edit the colour for only the clan chat that would be great.

thats all i could possibly think off, hopefully this is looked into, thank you.












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