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Super Donator
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Everything posted by Supremium

  1. imagine PvM-ing on a PK server
  2. You were piping up in yell chat prior to this, so I took it to PMs and called you out to 44s for the smoke & you avoided. smh
  3. very nice guide but you mis-typed the command for emptying your bank, change it to ::removealljunkfrombank*
  4. Can we get a Timer for spec tabbing? So, if you're pking in edgeville / riskzone, after using special attack, you'd have to wait a certain amount of time before you can teleport out... at least like 10 - 15 seconds maybe? I've gotten a lot of compIaints about players spec tabbing mid-fights and I think this would be an ideal way to prevent players from doing it, and this will help decrease the amount of rushing in edgeville/ riskzone... because What are rushers known for? Spec tabbing. If a timer is implemented, rushers would have no choice but to manually run away or stay in the fight for 10 - 15 seconds, which makes it a little harder for them to get away. Thoughts?
  5. this man has done a fine job for the past 12 months & he's 1 of the realest... and I think he deserves a promotion
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