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Everything posted by DutyRS

  1. I staffed on many servers, i appreciate everything everyone does on this staff team they are all active when they're logged in which is great! only thing is i haven't seen Niddy much since i've returned the game, not sure if he has some other stuff going on behind the scenes but 9 hours in 30 days isn't really acceptable for staff.. But as I said maybe he's going through something IRL behind the scenes that i am not aware about. Other than that i think all the new SS are great! keep it up everyone!
  2. Can 100% Vouch This Guy Is A GodTier Veng/Pure PKer.
  3. show some chances and deaths too homie. heres 1 where my maul aint go off. but you reply "this wasnt a chance" also 90% of your F3's werent right and i wasnt bowfa manipulating either just standard nh. https://gyazo.com/c45a4535fbd70240d034b5e95a4abe70
  4. Damn This Mans Propoganda Around 1:45 Somethin Serious With That Accent 😮. Clean Edits. Good Vid Boss +1 ❤️
  5. Hope Everyone Had A Good Weekend! Just Dropped Another Vid, Got My Custom Santa I Wanted (I'm Not A Gambler So This Was Exciting For Me :P). Be Sure To Type ::GA/::Giveaway (And Look For @DutyRS*I Dont Have A ::Duty Command Yet* So Just Look For Me On ::GA List ). Much Love Ya'll - Duty ❤️
  6. LOL those +10 hits threw me off. Lovely Music Boss
  7. Hey Guys! Just A Short NH Vid With A Giveaway For The Boys! (Sorry Its Not Alot As I'm Not Rich Ingame/Don't Gamble). Thanks For ALL The Support Lately! - DutyRS ❤️
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