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Everything posted by Kihfan55

  1. looks to me like u died to a 30
  2. How come u cry about dying to a "99" (g maul was delayed too, ur just a downie) yet I could tank a 124 in 1 tick lol ur just shit
  3. U tabbed after this hit bcus u were out LOL, look at my food? The video will be peak for u fam
  4. he got in his feelings after i killed him for max FYI but i see ur being friendly with him in the pic so
  5. link that video pretty sure u speced me an 80 or something u were dog shit lol
  6. "Find a 718"??? Those don't even exist anymore but if u find one I'll remind u how shit u were on them
  7. How when I've never/will never die to u? LOL!
  8. Idk who u fought that has made u unbelievably delusional but there's obviously nothing I can say to make ur brain rewire correctly so just name a server so I can put u back in ur place
  9. Okay then, if the problem isn't him flaming then the problem is directly involving PKing? So what is your issue? Is it regarding 'ragging' or is it peoples attitudes? I think either way you're a hypocrite because do you really think you're innocent if you flame back every time people flame you? You literally used my exact point in the reasons why you flame, "provoked me", which is what I suspect (don't care if he did/didn't, that is your side of the story) happened with this guy. You have reasons to "act toxic" as does everyone else. Of course I'm right you made that percentage up. I said 70% in a previous post and you just said it lol. You can't "round up" the "toxic" people unless Gretar gives you the char files of the 2m registered members and you go through each and every one and put people into a 'who ML gudi! thinks is cancer!' pile. If you don't think that's an opinion as I just put it, you're very stubborn and truly are ignorant
  10. I commend you for finally sticking out your chest while I'm offline but it really is all for not.. No1 will ever rate u lol I've bullied u in hybrid ur entire existence and that will never change. Get a grip, ur 1 of the worst hybrids I've ever seen. Don't normally attack video makers but back to recording u specing 80s and getting ppl to 20 hp and somehow being proud of that.. Lost as fuck
  11. Top Definition Grammar Police Those who seek to have correct English written online. They are not opponents of free speech, or 1337. They merely wish that the fundamentals of English are withheld. They will correct bad Grammar and Spelling, I'm sorry that a slang phrase wouldn't be in an actual dictionary.. Actual state of you for even saying something that stupid LOL. How else would you determine the definition of something like that? Literally brain damaged lol Seeing as though you actually have a severely low comprehension level of I'll try to put it in terms you may understand The guy flaming you = Good You flaming him = Good You saying flaming is bad = Hypocrisy My baby reference was in reference to you saying I used "big words" not you "calling me stupid" (Where did you even say that? LOL)... I thought that was pretty clear considering I said "you're using big words" in the following sentence..??? Putting a percentage (that I made up that was completely random btw LOL) on something in which you have no way to prove just makes you look so unbelievably stupid. "and because you think the community isn't cancer it makes what I'm saying opinion" -no, I think me saying the community *isn't* cancer is my opinion which I have supported with actual thought. We both have opinions but you have nothing to support it aside from your own hypocrisy Until you read this I'm not going to let you keep saying things are facts http://www.apelslice.com/books/9780618843175NIMAS/HTMLOUT/HTML/c_id4632222.html
  12. U died in this video ot: great music + clips gj pedro on the edit
  13. Yes, I certainly see what I just said... it's what I've been saying for the past 5 posts as well- I find nothing wrong with flaming in pking. Show me where I otherwise contradicted that opinion? A "statement" isn't a fact in any way let alone a "direct" one? Stating that the community is "toxic" or "cancer" are opinions and opinions without any thought are just baseless words "wahhh!! Wahhhhhh!!!! I'm a baby and ur using big words!!!!" Lmfao! I don't know any other way to speak other than the way I do? I don't use big words.. if you read all of my other posts I type the exact same way. Also, I didn't "use" the word wrong, I spelled it wrong. Grammar police is referred to as either grammar or spelling, but nice try https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3DGrammar%20Nazi%26amp%3Dtrue I love your attempt to deflect this entire topic astray from your original point onto me. My guess is that my opinion made you change your mind and realize how idiotic and impractical your opinion was. If that's not the case I'd like a rebuttal for my original post
  14. aaaaaaaaaaand then u woke up
  15. So because I use a board (rants) for the intended purpose that I am defending that means I can't speak on a point you're trying to make that I appose? Sounds like you're just upset that someone is disagreeing with you on something that is not exactly a 'hot take'-probably 70% of this server thinks as you do. Your opinion is that the community is "cancer", yet in your topic the only evidence to defend that statement is you being "cancer" (by your thought process, not mine) yourself. You telling me I'm "welcome" to leave your post only makes me laugh. If you felt strongly enough to post about something you should have the intellect to defend it. You're simply a vegetable-sponge mix if you sit there soaking up every opinion you hear and splurting it out (sponge), meanwhile, you're unable to defend your poorly thought out opinion (vegetable). So as a veteran of this server and someone who plays it ~everyday, I am irrelevant to this post? How can you even be so naïve to say that? I think I'd be "relevant" (not what I tried to achieve in my post to begin with?) in any post regarding this server considering the amount of time/effort I put into it but that is truly "irrelevant" to this topic. Pretty ironic you're trying to be the 'grammar police' when your grammar is atrocious at best. I don't care if I spell words correct/incorrectly because anything I write is IRL common vocabulary for me. I can be corrected but that doesn't nullify my point, does it?
  16. So.. you're offended by my post, good, cool. With that being said, why didn't everyone else get told they needed to "be tagged" in order to post? Is it because I'm the only one to attack your flawed logic rather than attacking the community like everyone else? To respond with you trying to explain yourself... I explained why I feel the way I do pretty well. You can't defend yourself by quoting me ("unspoken rules") when you see it as an opportunity to benefit yourself when all that does is contradict your point of people acting a certain way. If people want to follow you around and camp you because of something you did then that's there parogative. It's a pking server and ragging is a style of pking integrated as pking has become more no honor. I'm going to freely post on the forums wherever I choose
  17. I'm confused, what do you want to be done? I understand flaming outside of the wild being a problem, but pking is a different story. Pking has unspoken rules and when violated I think people have the right to respond whichever way they feel necessary. Also, it's good to see we have people like you trying to diffuse the situation "don't drop" "uok". I'm sure he responded "yeah I am, thanks for asking! Let's be friends!", didn't he? It would've been smart, just for the sake of your 'argument', to show you're more mature than the people with whom you have a problem, but nope! You just weren't intelligent enough to do that
  18. U have to have a certain level of intelligence to truly appreciate the greatness of these shows 💯💯 edit: The Office New Girl Friday night lights (American af) One tree hill
  19. Sneak dissing when I'm offline cause I beg him to come die on any server and he declines I'm confused at where this logic comes from cause you are dog shit on every server u play lol @B1G H0M1E name a server please
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