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Everything posted by Kihfan55

  1. Yes, because that has ever happened before - we have never been tbed
  2. U actually think ur better than chris??
  3. Is that really your defense? Lying? Me and a few friends were pking. I was on tb and barely even attacked anyone, to say I was ragging to try to defend whoever you're trying to defend right now is nonsense. How about you use your brain just 1 time in your life and think "Hmm, is there a different between *ragging* and *tbing someone*" and actually respond to me with a logical response.
  4. Mike tellied up to a guy today who was ragging and the guy had said something about ragging the hybrid for 200 hours and Mike said "Oo if you're going to be on for 200 hours you should apply for server support!" Completely useless edit: and to put this into context, I wasn't even the one getting ragged so it's really irrelevant to me, just shows how shit he is
  5. Already asked, there's a 0% chance ull get ss lol
  6. the sad part is that I killed u guys for 5x that yesterday lol u really thought u were making lvls bogammal LOL we all risk 5v20 and none of u do bcus u die
  7. So u ban the guy (who doesn't off)? If ur someone who goes to easts to rag u deserve to be banned
  8. The point of the vid is to prove you've actually been ragging, not to prove you've been ragging for 30 mins (or more/less) lol. If a staff member can see you ragging why not just jail on the spot?
  9. Lol any time grimreapers risk they lose everything
  10. Bind u dead just spams lol it's just the same thing as every other Arab trying to get ss lol "gl getting more!!" On every single topic Graphics is ss already
  11. Neither of them would get ss LOL idk why u would even say that
  12. 1. U know who I am 2. Me and ur fav pker (kkz) played the same servers prior to 07 3. I've fought ur fav pker many times at mb on rs, ask him urself
  13. you keep calling me mr jake but ur a no namer lol? how would u know me as mr jake colour is the british way of spelling it LOL god bless
  14. U posted that pic like 3 months ago LOL lets see the clip plz ^and i killed u like 8x after this and made u quit l0l
  15. Kihfan55


    The only people who try to come for ur head are people with a sub 80 iq. Nobody with a brain can disapprove of the way u administrate the server. If things have happened and they believe you have made a mistake along the road (an entire year lol) then so be it. Roatpkz has drastically improved since u got admin especially. I noticed the people in particular who don't see eye-to-eye with u have never given u any credit for the improvements the server has undergone (the item additions, zone additions, and further so) but their vendetta against you, generating off the one disagreement they have with u, has led them getting themselves banned because ur firm on the 'ragging' subject. U always have the best interest of the server in mind and its retarded for any1 to think otherwise. U listen to people's opinions with whom u think matter but ur decision on what you tell gretar/believe for yourself has always been yours and ur yet to be wrong
  16. U are moron lol but id love to see this clip.... Everyone claims they have clips working me yet no1 posts them LOL
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