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PK Guy

Royal Donator
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Everything posted by PK Guy

  1. PK Guy


    Cya later soonaday, finally learned your name and you're leaving! Tushunade was better..
  2. Support, return the wild to how it was. If necessary make a seperate 1 Def zone elsewhere ::pures
  3. No! We want OSRS combat, it's perfect!!!! edit: lol I can't post YT vids anymore??? Error message OSRS hits
  4. You could do that, but I find it a pain in the ass (the voting itself plus the selling). I'd pay $10 to just not do that! Depends on your cash flow situation I guess. OP: I wouldn't stop at donator, if you can cough up a lil' more, I'd jump straight into Sup. donator. Specifically, it allows A LOT more custom kits to be saved and the ::bank function is surprisingly useful (I normally have that command on my clipboard when playing so I can just Ctrl+v anywhere out of PvP zones). There are more things, take a look at it on the donation page. Unless you want to emulate Ahmash, and buy donator first and then super donator a few months after just to feel like you're progressing in the game.
  5. PK Guy


    Still quitting ABDULLAH?
  6. Wow those videos (child abuse and murder) are horrific. I get that this is a forum for a Pking server and some fighting words are to be expected, but this is extreme. I feel sad for you guys wishing these crimes on each other over a game, this is too far in my opinion. Even sadder when Mods contribute to so much bad will (eg "cancer") instead of limiting it. Oh well, won't be surprised if I just get flamed for this, afterall it's Roatpkz...
  7. Thanks, will add you tonight when I get home. Ok Sinister, that's my bad. I used to think you were smarter than the average Roater, but it seems I was mistaken. I've tried (and failed) in the past to convince you guys that I'm NOT Ahmash - although I do know him IRL. Anyway, seen as I couldn't get you to believe me, I figured why not play along and pretend like I am him. It's funny. To answer your question (btw please use question marks), I haven't used two accounts (simultaneously). In fact, even though I started playing Roat Pkz in 2012, I actually never used the forum until late 2014/early 2015. Then when this new forum was added (in July?) I left again until last month. In contrast Ahmash has always been around, and the quality of his posts are true to his actual self, he is a dumb ass and I think it's very sweet of you guys to pass it off as mere trolling. He loves this place, whereas I consider it to be a toxic cesspool. I'm not pretending to have any IQ, this is how I am, it's called "maturity", patience... one day you'll get there. @Louis Vee You're a cool guy so I'm very sorry to have pooped all over your thread. If you want me to clean up my mess (aka delete my messages) please don't hesitate to let me know. Additionally, I should be making an extra 1M gp (which I don't need) from a certain someone very soon so I'd be happy to donate that to your cause!
  8. Anybody willing to waste hours of their time clicking on weak monsters over and over for experience points on an online game is a slave. There's no nicer way to put it, botting is for people with a social life. Especially since I already did it manually before OSRS was released. Ditto for money buying. I've already explained previously (old forums) but I'll say it again: I can work IRL for 1 hour and earn enough money to buy more RSGP than I could make playing RS for a few hours. Therefore given this state of possibility, it makes perfect sense to buy RSGP. My time is precious. Apart from myself and my other self (Ahmash) nobody else has, or ever will be, allowed access to the account. Jad is beyond easy, anyone that can't do it themselves is not a gamer, whether you believe me or not is irrelevant, because it's too easy to call you out on your bullshit: put your money where your mouth is. Seriously, pay me 1M OSRS and I'll live stream fight caves on the "Ahmash" OSRS character. Otherwise STFU with your whiny forum tantrums and wildly inaccurate assumptions.
  9. Because they don't exist. What you're saying is no different than doing ::item 15273 10000 Think of it like this, noted items are a separate item (that's why they have a separate ID). Most items loads from the 317 cache so Jagex already did the work of creating two of everything - one normal, one noted. For all new items that aren't in the original cache you have to also add the noted version separately (it might work if you over-write existing item ID with new ones but) for a fresh ID. Gretar never added noted versions of somethings, like rocktails, and DFS as another example. @Mods I'm still being on topic just saying.
  10. 1) You already said that 2) I wasn't supporting the suggestion, just trying to explain why most ideas won't be implemented. He already confirmed it himself lol But I get it, as staff you must attempt to defend him wherever possible. You're doing gj
  11. Well depends how we're measuring difficulty I guess, on an arbitrary scale of 1-10 (with 10 being virtually impossible to do) I'd have to give this a big fat 0. It doesn't qualify to be on the scale (which starts from 1) because creating noteable items is NOT coding at all. Since rocktails are "custom items" - i.e. no belonging to the 317 cache, they've been manually added to the client so he cut corners and never created the noted version in the first place. That's why you see dwarf remains for item 15273 (placeholders). You just copy/paste the code for rocktails in the client and change the ID to one higher to create the new item. Then server side just add the ID to the list of noteable/stackable items. Takes less than a minute? Problem is there are so many of these tiny one-minute fixes this server could benefit from that when you look at it, it's a long list and Gretar cba.
  12. Just wanted to drop this here: I am a Pker
  13. How hard is it to click the food button in the pre-made spawn tab?
  14. Have fun making your pure Side note: can't believe people still can't/won't do fcapes themselves LOL!
  15. Scamming on a live stream and then leaving the video online to be able to watch later would be like robbing a bank and filming it with your phone and then uploading it to youtube. Why? Because you'd have to be a complete moron to document your crimes. Not one person reported me for scamming so far but I understand your concern, the temptation to steal 250 pkp is just too great!!! Even if eventually there is a dodgy host who scams, maul said he will refund and I would also back that promise.
  16. Depends how you define "pay2win" I guess, for me "winning" is beating someone in Pk not showing off how many Pkp or items you have. Like if you got only 1 ags or 100 it doesn't really matter - you can only equip one... (I'm talking about pking not staking/risking here). So in this context, the only way donating can be pay2win is if you buy donator rank and then just prod rapier or cmaul all the time. Basically, being really wealthy doesn't make you a better or more skillful pker, sometimes you can lose with better gear (ask Dharokers lol). Since everyone can get Pkp, just would take a lot longer if you can't donate for them, doesn't mean pay2win, it's just speeding up progress - otherwise you could argue RuneScape is a pay2win game because I can just buy RSGP and then head to GE and buy maxed gear, right? Granted it's not within the rules, but it happens and can't be stopped (without severe trade restrictions). You can already indirectly buy Pkp anyway, just donate for exact items (instead of random packs) like AGS and then sell to players - AGS currently costs $14.45 and is worth 4k Pkp street price so this gives us a rate of $3.6125/1k Pkp, or £0.0036125/Pkp. He could easily just sell Pkp without the hassle of having to sell on items, at $3.50-$3.60 per 1k Pkp. If your argument is this suggestion will make the game "100%" pay2win, then I've got to ask the question, what percentage is it currently pay2win, like 80%???? Can pay2win even be expressed as a percentag? Well, not when it seems to be a close-ended statement (exclusive disjunction) - either the game is pay2win (100%) or it's not pay2win (0%). This state wouldn't change whether or not the Pkp sales are added to donator store because as I explained above they already sort of are. I have too much time on my hands!
  17. I know streaming RSPS isn't allowed on twitch, because they are illegal. Pretty sure Youtube has the same rule but they don't enforce it unless Jagex make a complaint. Anyway what's the worst that can happen? I get banned from twitch and make a new account or join a new streaming site.
  18. But you trusted me and won ACB, you noob! At least it proved I'm not a scammed lol
  19. I did some of this tonight, there's of a lot of potential here because it was getting popular and sorry to some people I couldn't reply to just too many talking to me at once. First time doing it so took a few tries to get the hang of it (with streaming as well, because I had to learn how to add a banner to cover my inventory for mixing items around). https://i.gyazo.com/9d16881de10197b20d81a5fcfd42db02.gif
  20. Sounds great, I want to apply for host. Have you played longer than 6 month? (requirement and proof needed) : yes, check my highscores got 9k kills recently, plus on old forum I was a veteran rank, and I've been donator since 2012 (Gretar can verify?) username? ( Must be donar for ::yelling purposes sorry) : Pk Guy (that's me!) bank must be 100,000pkp and above ( ingame proof or picture needed) : Just bought divine recently thats why look a bit poor, sold alot to get it, but I'm sure its 100k+ in items.. i.gyazo.com/98315f5f3f207518cbdd793aaacb1fe8.png what recording device will you be using? (requirement) Hypercam, also I have new twitch acc for live streams (check my sig lol) why do you support this? (requirement also) It will be fun for the players, and another chance to win items. Also I really like the idea and I have the capacity to do this because I have a decent mix of some high value items and low value items, plus I'm a regular donator - I'm buying packs now and then to top up my bank so even if kids get really lucky and win stuff I won't drop out of this game. And I'm very active, almost daily so yeah pick me, I can be trusted to host as well because I don't need to scam lol
  21. I like the keybind idea, (even though I don't "F-Key") but if I could change them to something else then it would be a lot better. I've used AHK scripts with some success before (eg www.youtube.com/watch?v=izrX0pHO4B8 ) but I agree it could be handled in-game much tidier. Support I really don't see the appeal of the full stats page, IDK what you mean "satisfaction of seeing all the 99" because how can you be satisfied with something you didn't accomplish? Sure, in RS (or eco servers) you can feel proud to look at your stats but on here they would be purely decorative and waste of space. It would reduce the click area of the combat skills which I don't like. That being said, you're right, the current tab does look ugly as fuck (static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/panel-91887698-image-bb31f7f3511b4a63-320.jpeg). It can just be remade to fit into the RS theme, eg. i.gyazo.com/880133e85b1f6a2c680e118aba86d2eb.png (borrowed from another server) Third suggestion, again I don't really agree with this. You said "recognised for what we have done for the server", I hope you do realise that donator is a rank obtainable by anyone - even if they didn't donate really money because you can purchase donator tickets. This is good, but it also means there are so many donators that the $ icon you see in most other servers would just be a pain on here. It would be virtually every line of the chatbox. Would probably cause more lag having to load stupid little images next to so many names. I believe the recognition we have is enough, with the $ in the right-click menu on our names, special area, spec restore, exclusive items, yell, ::bank. If we needed more it shouldn't be this idea. Something else maybe
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