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Everything posted by Tesfxye

  1. lmao I beg you expose me, ive only ever see you tb or ns.
  2. oh my, another one who thinks faster switches = better brid. brid me tomorrow.
  3. also there isn't a decanter?!?!?!??!?
  4. good idea mate I may do that, thanks.
  5. getting pretty bored of roatz so probably last vid for abit:
  6. you mean i no longer hit more than 0 0 with dds on robes.
  7. you can probably change that somewhere in your settings. bridding isn't that hard just keep practicing, nice start
  8. don't even try and act like you are better
  9. one time to a 89 stack on tank,v nice and the other I died to poison after I had teled
  10. bc you talk shit even though you tab everytime
  11. only making this because they both talk so much shit but aren't good enough to back up what they say. only fought god dildo a couple times so haven't got a kill yet so only show tabs. wouldn't of made this if they weren't both annoying spastics
  12. lol this kid panic teled when I was in brid
  13. Do 'iodide' with India flag pls
  14. You'd like the server if you didn't make enemies that are better than you
  15. They need to add items that will make mini games more worth doing maybe add combat pots into it as another way to get them also zulrah scales
  16. lollll cu smakcdddd cu bonk nice video
  17. idk if I'm just a retard but this always happens when I add a sig, am I doing something wrong? https://gyazo.com/3afc738abb10f8cd98f917dbd32373d3
  18. Says for me that it is not available
  19. Tesfxye

    gf 21m

    Kev m8, He is not worth the flame.
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