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14 grams

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14 grams last won the day on June 12 2023

14 grams had the most liked content!

About 14 grams

Roat Pkz Information

  • Roat Pkz Username
    14 grams

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14 grams's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Hello, I am having issues receiving security code for this account with the email attached to it. They are being sent to my old email address which i have no access to, what do i need to do to fix this? i have updated my email on my end on the website. please help 😢
  2. yo that idea sounds dope for a skilling clan in the server. That is something i would have to participate in if it ever became a thing. I do know some clan chats have skilling perks activated for users within the clan chat. thank you!
  3. Hello ROATPKZ Currently working towards maxing my character. Have you maxed your character in-game yet? Anyways, have a good day<3.
  4. As the title says above, what is your favorite scary movie or show? I am trying to find stuff to watch while maxing on here.
  5. I did not know this until now. Thank you!
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