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#bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits

hello peps i am making a new singles and multi pking clan i have played runescape for over 11 years and always
been in a clan time to kick ass if you like to join apply down below hope to see you peps soon 

~Have return sets of gear atleasts 2 plus sets
~Have TS3 / skype
~Don't be a fucking cunt 
~Do your best to not be the worst pker ever.
~Have fun!

Application format:

Do you have a way to talk?:
A little about yourself:

why do you think you should be in the clan :


soon as you been accpected in to the clan you clan then work your way up the ranks by truing up to pk trips / wars / multi trips ....... please pm me once you have applyed elite bandits / merked y o u

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  • 7 years later...
Guest Ponking
On 2/25/2017 at 6:04 AM, Elite bandits said:

#bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits #bandits

hello peps i am making a new singles and multi pking clan i have played runescape for over 11 years and always
been in a clan time to kick ass if you like to join apply down below hope to see you peps soon 

~Have return sets of gear atleasts 2 plus sets
~Have TS3 / skype
~Don't be a fucking cunt 
~Do your best to not be the worst pker ever.
~Have fun!

Application format:

Do you have a way to talk?: yes I have discord
A little about yourself: lives in New Zealand and loves to jam the game and haave fun

why do you think you should be in the clan : I play alot and help people have fun, i show up to most events and can listen to whats being asked .


soon as you been accpected in to the clan you clan then work your way up the ranks by truing up to pk trips / wars / multi trips ....... please pm me once you have applyed elite bandits / merked y o u


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