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::FAQ command (Frequently asked questions)

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Hi team.

I feel like this would be super helpful for not only new players but players like me who occasionally forget important or simple things about Roat Pkz.
Having a ::faq command will bring up a bunch of frequently asked questions, for example - (Does VLS degrade? Where do I find runite ore in the wilderness? How do I enable loot keys?) etc.. 

This would stop people having to blast ::yell chat looking for answers to common questions and will save players having to reply to them, if they feel like being nice and answering questions. Also, sometimes people don't answer them back and they're left to wonder or bug people in dm's for the answer. 

I feel the on-screen interface would be similar to ::commands but with a pre-selected bunch of questions a player may be looking for the answer to. 

Something to consider :) 

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On 1/4/2024 at 6:25 PM, iJoshua said:

Hi team.

I feel like this would be super helpful for not only new players but players like me who occasionally forget important or simple things about Roat Pkz.
Having a ::faq command will bring up a bunch of frequently asked questions, for example - (Does VLS degrade? Where do I find runite ore in the wilderness? How do I enable loot keys?) etc.. 

This would stop people having to blast ::yell chat looking for answers to common questions and will save players having to reply to them, if they feel like being nice and answering questions. Also, sometimes people don't answer them back and they're left to wonder or bug people in dm's for the answer. 

I feel the on-screen interface would be similar to ::commands but with a pre-selected bunch of questions a player may be looking for the answer to. 

Something to consider :) 

I'll message Gretar to add one

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On 1/4/2024 at 11:25 AM, iJoshua said:

Hi team.

I feel like this would be super helpful for not only new players but players like me who occasionally forget important or simple things about Roat Pkz.
Having a ::faq command will bring up a bunch of frequently asked questions, for example - (Does VLS degrade? Where do I find runite ore in the wilderness? How do I enable loot keys?) etc.. 

This would stop people having to blast ::yell chat looking for answers to common questions and will save players having to reply to them, if they feel like being nice and answering questions. Also, sometimes people don't answer them back and they're left to wonder or bug people in dm's for the answer. 

I feel the on-screen interface would be similar to ::commands but with a pre-selected bunch of questions a player may be looking for the answer to. 

Something to consider :) 

Hhhm. yes and no. It would explain a lot but my guess is that 95% of the people that even get to find the faq still asks the question in-game. So what really would the benefit be?

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8 minutes ago, Knasterd said:

Hhhm. yes and no. It would explain a lot but my guess is that 95% of the people that even get to find the faq still asks the question in-game. So what really would the benefit be?

One of the main benefits is to obviously help new players with a whole bunch of pre-answered questions right there with the answers. Secondly, I can’t imagine someone would be enjoying being asked the same question over and over again. For example, before the Christmas event ended, yell chat was spammed with everyone asking the same thing “When does the event end?” Imagine you do ::faq in game and it’s right there “When does the Christmas event end? Answer: 1st Jan 12:00 gmt” (example only of course.) If it’s not event based, it’s like I mentioned above, all the daft questions asking if VLS/Barrows degrades, where can they find x, y, z. It’ll be a weight off of SS and above’s shoulders having to constantly answer the same thing and they’ll have more time to focus on matters that are more important. I appreciate there’s /help cc but let’s be real, it’s full of AFK’ers and people who’ve just joined the server. There’s not a lot of help to be found in that cc. Just thinking of other ways to help everybody who plays the game. 

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1 minute ago, iJoshua said:

One of the main benefits is to obviously help new players with a whole bunch of pre-answered questions right there with the answers. Secondly, I can’t imagine someone would be enjoying being asked the same question over and over again. For example, before the Christmas event ended, yell chat was spammed with everyone asking the same thing “When does the event end?” Imagine you do ::faq in game and it’s right there “When does the Christmas event end? Answer: 1st Jan 12:00 gmt” (example only of course.) If it’s not event based, it’s like I mentioned above, all the daft questions asking if VLS/Barrows degrades, where can they find x, y, z. It’ll be a weight off of SS and above’s shoulders having to constantly answer the same thing and they’ll have more time to focus on matters that are more important. I appreciate there’s /help cc but let’s be real, it’s full of AFK’ers and people who’ve just joined the server. There’s not a lot of help to be found in that cc. Just thinking of other ways to help everybody who plays the game. 

  • Yes it would help people with a bunch of pre-answered questions, but as I've said I doubt people will got to the guide over simply asking in chat (ppl will answer anyways). On top of that people would still have to reply with something like "check faq".
  • Ppl will still ask for dates related to, for example, xmas event. They will either not know that it is in the faq or just lazy (as I've said ppl are gonna answer anyways).
  • The fact that a lot of people had questions about the xmas event says something about the lack of communication coming from the staff team of RoatPkz (I know it was just an example in your reply).

Don't get me wrong, I lowkey like the idea but if you'd make a faq page in-game or either make something like a wiki and measure the amount of people visiting that page or interface I think it will be bad number compared to the amount of effort you put in to keep something like this up-to-date. RoatPkz players are not a typical rsps player, they're built different. They're lazy and stubborn. 🤣

By the way, any player could just make a topic on forums with faq's. So feel free to! :D 

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1 hour ago, Knasterd said:
  • Yes it would help people with a bunch of pre-answered questions, but as I've said I doubt people will got to the guide over simply asking in chat (ppl will answer anyways). On top of that people would still have to reply with something like "check faq".
  • Ppl will still ask for dates related to, for example, xmas event. They will either not know that it is in the faq or just lazy (as I've said ppl are gonna answer anyways).
  • The fact that a lot of people had questions about the xmas event says something about the lack of communication coming from the staff team of RoatPkz (I know it was just an example in your reply).

Don't get me wrong, I lowkey like the idea but if you'd make a faq page in-game or either make something like a wiki and measure the amount of people visiting that page or interface I think it will be bad number compared to the amount of effort you put in to keep something like this up-to-date. RoatPkz players are not a typical rsps player, they're built different. They're lazy and stubborn. 🤣

By the way, any player could just make a topic on forums with faq's. So feel free to! :D 

I’ve got to agree with you there. After thinking about it, I do believe people will just ask in the chat anyway instead of looking into it themselves. I’m the exact opposite, I hate asking questions that I could find out myself but as you say, they’re built differently on Roat 😂

I suppose a FAQ topic could be made, there’s commands in game ::topic123456 which I’ll guide you to the page, right? Perhaps that’s something I can get on with in my spare time. It might help people out and heck, it’ll give me something to do 😅

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1 hour ago, iJoshua said:

I’ve got to agree with you there. After thinking about it, I do believe people will just ask in the chat anyway instead of looking into it themselves. I’m the exact opposite, I hate asking questions that I could find out myself but as you say, they’re built differently on Roat 😂

I suppose a FAQ topic could be made, there’s commands in game ::topic123456 which I’ll guide you to the page, right? Perhaps that’s something I can get on with in my spare time. It might help people out and heck, it’ll give me something to do 😅

yes ::topic or ::thread, if a guide is used a lot sometimes they get certain command such as ::clueguide. I'm more of a person that searches myself aswell first, however that's just not how the average player is in Roat. If you need help with a list just tag me bro I'm here to help.

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4 hours ago, Knasterd said:

yes ::topic or ::thread, if a guide is used a lot sometimes they get certain command such as ::clueguide. I'm more of a person that searches myself aswell first, however that's just not how the average player is in Roat. If you need help with a list just tag me bro I'm here to help.

Sounds good to me mate. I have a new account under the name “Whixskey” - we can have a chat tomorrow if you’d like, maybe see about getting something set up 

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