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goat last won the day on July 30 2022

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  1. goat

    Herblore Guide

    Can also do at bandit camp - Piles r walking around there too (Possible to get him stuck multiple places)
  2. Enter the giveaway by: Comment your name Subscribe Like the video!
  3. @Latina Pussy Nothing to be done about it sadly. It was drop as an item like shown in picture (Agility pet) And u explained it yourself with inventory full + pet following you
  4. This is something thats gonna happen already
  5. would be nice with actual NEW tournaments, such as DMM setup etc n proper pure tournaments with 1 DEF
  6. Clue Guide have been updated and upgraded! Update: General Information - More detailed Pictures been updated - More detailed - More location orientated Emote Steps been added to all clues Check out each invidual clues when you aren't sure of locations or what items to wear. Hot n Cold locations have been added to all clues A popular step to receive and one of the steps that can take time to figure out the exact location to dig. Pictures are in order from lowest wilderness to highest in each section
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