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Honestly don't know why he came at me, I hate posting shit like this but here it is, Kept yelling and pming me saying I was hiding but it's 1-0 and he's using decorative armour so I'm not going to waste my time on him but going to show him since he wants to talk shit.



As you can see it took me 54 seconds to kill him, I don't want to waste my time on a random. EZPZ TINGS



Edited by Orbital Vsat
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2 hours ago, Ipkblazed said:


Against full ahrims+dfs+torags+vls 

Zzz stay out of my pms begging me for stuff and then try to act hard 5minutes later

Begging you for stuff? Lmao kid you're so retarded, Don't talk shit then come to east with welfare and then complain about getting slapped. 54 Seconds, EZPZ. Plus you got on after how many days? Go back to quiting or W.E the fuck you were doing you decided to get on and fuck with me and I'm muted so don't start shit you can't finish bud.

Edited by Orbital Vsat
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Why are people commenting asking what I achieved ? You can clearly see if you're not to autistic that he's talking shit and gets slapped. This is a "Kill Pic Gallery" for a reason if you don't have something nice to say please gtfo my topic bitches.

11 hours ago, Same Sea said:

What the fuck did you actually achieve there? Killed a welf and making a topic on it? Pathetic


Who the fuck are you? Did you see the first two pictures you retard?

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3 hours ago, Jinzo said:

lol this kid always brags he's so good, yet all his accounts have shit kdr. if "anyone" can do it, it'd be someone as good as orbital?? l0l.

Not sure if you're talking shit to me or not but I never "brag" of how good I am, I don't care who it is, Whoever talks shit will get ragged whether I die or not, I'll keep coming back.

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