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Everything posted by Coughfish

  1. you can't even brid lmao didn't see you anywhere in 2009-11?
  2. also rework mage system PEOPLE WITH FKING SERP,Prims,fury,cancer donor cape freeze more then someone with occult,dboots,neitz,arcane...
  3. there were alot of them at once at the duel.. didn't stake them cause they said "any cmb" i knew something was fishy.
  4. @Tupac The pics are posted perhaps you thought im lieing
  5. sadly not , my pictures aren't fake thanks to the people who sended me the pics
  6. idk why the fuck you speaking you dumb retard , divine shouldn't be a thing in the first place in any game.
  7. @Karishma Nice one how gay are you #happy pride month its your month - when he doesn't wear gay shit
  8. you can't speak over anything realted to pking dumb bolt ragger - herb is a good idea hence THEY CAN make brews finally cost pkp and sanfews. now shut the fuck up you dumb bolter
  9. no thanks don't need to delete the truth karishmas irl is going to be posted tomorrow. be prepared
  10. https://gyazo.com/32e083e4c3720c4079f6f331f7845cfc now @Karishma you cute ain't you hide behind the admins while nobody really likes you SIKE LOL
  11. Khalil getting his ass exposed and can't handle it WHALE STAYS AS A WHALE DUMB DOG https://i.gyazo.com/3dbba5287984466c51ab3ebd2a3c0178.mp4
  12. "full-time job" - People are not allowed to work The entire week no matter what the job is are you okay? even i , a person who works on a building site only 1 day per week.
  13. @Gretar ? answer im waiting im having 115ping and 20fps max at ::brid.
  14. You guys merged with every clan imaginable to keep up with 1 clan that doesn't even have got 100 members.. You think anyone remembers your merging ass clans? lol.. do a 5v5 / 10v10 w.e you pussys go do a sri can bet 200k that you wont do it.
  15. gratz on piruus winning first to third place everyone knows appeals does not edit and the first video looks like piruus his editing GRATZ PIRUS
  16. If you make videos where you voice-over it Name it Pk commentary.. its boring to watch
  17. Overedited bullshit lmao Ya`ll some pussys that cringe on mic. Nothing more then randoms that meet in a game.
  18. Bump Stop posting bullshit into general discussing idiots
  19. Was a friend of "yoobs" but heads up i guess? :l , Why you assume always peoples sexuality? You're that insecrue over yourself? I'm not gay , never will but thanks? Mayb ask your dad how to find your sexuality after he fucks you in the ass 2deep you think everyone who hits you with Words is gay Nice life btw how long do you play per day again 20hours?
  20. Doesn't matter who who is? Lol stop acting like you are known in the world?... Get your Wood outa your ass you're a nobody in game as irl. And to your "excuse" then you said You merk something? Digging your own grave. At first you bring "voice" On the board then when @Yoobs da king Brings it up you say "U are saying things that are not rlevant to this convo" Keep digging your own grave :l You're probs a bellend irl as in games if people hit you with personal information you will Say "This is not relevant for our conversation so wym".
  21. You simply got manhandeled tbh.. You're nothing more then a guy playing a game and bragging over your bank/kdr/ks W.e you do but you're a useless whale :l Nothing more then a Cloud IN the air
  22. Bump. This Is a Needed Thing not your dumb "Expose" topics nobody cares about
  23. Jealous i made 600k with staking and i play 1h per day ?.
  24. Gretar.. Please listen to your players for ONCE I am not the only one getting hard lags (LATLEY) - means 2months ?.. please for everyones sake upgrade the server.. IT already crashed once for 10mins at 560players.. the server is just having lag at 400players.. i don't remember the server being like this way back?...
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