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Everything posted by drawers

  1. drawers


    ur all retards if u think I bought my account snm... I could say pyd bought hers u would believe me
  2. nice del Shannon but why not x10 hits ? maybe next video with it mate and roatpkz makes u look noob all ur other vids ur one of the fastest I've seen
  3. whenever we are both online I'll give u a chance to prove yourself to me
  4. GOOD ONE LOL u got thrashed -.- roatpkz favours slow switchers like urself don't act up xbrzh
  5. Chris died to a 71-38 but hey smokeymontana sweet tab clip on me with every hit on my correct armour ;l
  6. just another embarrassing takeweather fan lmfao not even above average
  7. drawers

    Roat pkz freestyle

    absolutely fucking disgusting I actually listened to this with a frown on my face
  8. it gets better... he died for his 472 ks to me and went on to flame for the following 3 days died to 55 ish dds then 8 gmaul, calls me a gmaul nher after the first time I used it his only kps are gmaul nh kills
  9. u put countless clips of hickory do in as if he's #1 ? ngl though I personally wouldn't say u are either
  10. no one in ctc can even come close to competing with me lmfao. Stackin hit 63 ags 27 gmaul on my tank which was also definitely on prayer (the gmaul at least), he himself agreed. First kill pic your whole team have got on any of us in a while though gz bro If we're gonna be adding irrelevant unseen kill pics I could add a few to this topic!
  11. a friend of mine had access to jtir's skype account - he got it through meeting jtir after he tried selling server gp. my friend sent me a few screenshots of jtirs convo's with a thailand chick, and smokey, who is likely also a thailand chick.. jtir was begging me to post the screenies i have so im giving him what he asked for! hes always been a receiver i guess might wanna change ur passwords bro, he got access to p much everything @jtir hunter @jtir slayerz https://gyazo.com/74bfda82eb089cb137bb19d269ecd9f1 https://gyazo.com/2481f55e33f4f53f07a61da8b1fe2d84 https://gyazo.com/e2262cfd392bcadcd9823fc68e469977 https://gyazo.com/c8252cdc8296173a201c9037dc7209f1
  12. fake video. kevin sounds like kermit the frog the man sounds like a real human being
  13. ty boyfriend literally average - above hickory do ty ty father
  14. cheers lad whats ur ign thanks boss is this arun ? ahhh makes sense gave u back when ur BALLIN
  15. ngl to u probably the worst video u will watch, started recording earlier today first time in ages (1 or 2 clips from AGES AGO) gave up after 2 hrs cos i was literally getting beat by xmastah.
  16. Zzz slow bad music rank #46 brid on the server .... joking (kinda) decent vid lad
  17. tfw hiders is still better than everyone who commented on this post
  18. or u could just risk me instead and stop avoiding its ok believe me im not even that mad cos ill take sets from u constantly at easts -.-
  19. lets get a few things straight they were all extra shit and adam was cool about it and didnt rub it in but he still isnt allowed to pk at easts or brid nevertheless i still have a decent bank because im not brown as fuck and posting these gyazos is INCREDIBLY cringy but hey adam stay at duel arena!
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