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castle wars? clan wars? renegades v spartans?

Lion Tales

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castle wars has been disabled for a while now and i think it should be brought back in the new client. 

would be a cool way for clans to handle shit on. or something like for example clan wars :P 

and would be cool if one of the clans recorded the fighting etc.....

@Gretar @Salad something to think of?

-Lion Tales-

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36 minutes ago, Killbob said:

Would like to see the clanwars spot in 20 wild added into roat

Yup those were the good days. Having clan wars out there would bring in an OS feeling tbh get rid of Funpk add white portal to clan wars don't add red portal that would ruin meth and then just add purple portal only clan leader can challenge another clan leader those in clan can join portal etc. But please use real clan wars maps and such.

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3 hours ago, Yoobs da king said:

Yup those were the good days. Having clan wars out there would bring in an OS feeling tbh get rid of Funpk add white portal to clan wars don't add red portal that would ruin meth and then just add purple portal only clan leader can challenge another clan leader those in clan can join portal etc. But please use real clan wars maps and such.

That'd be nice


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39 minutes ago, Surgical said:

Or they can just fight each other at ::easts and other spots like they do usually?

They look fine 'handling shit' there...

Exactly lmfao 


2 minutes ago, Yoobs da king said:

Yup those were the good days. Having clan wars out there would bring in an OS feeling tbh get rid of Funpk add white portal to clan wars don't add red portal that would ruin meth and then just add purple portal only clan leader can challenge another clan leader those in clan can join portal etc. But please use real clan wars maps and such.

Not a bad idea at all but yeah funpk should be removed lol I personally don't like it and Would much prefer clan wars 

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Only problem with easts though is people can join teleport in and out and in reality there is no true winner. With clan wars purple portal it would be so you have to kill a certain amount of people for example first team to get 10, 20, 25 kills etc... But keep the spawn system the same as clan wars you die it puts you in clan wars lobby this way you can use bank re gear join back in continue helping your clan fight. 


Having many years of Purple portal clan fighting experience I'd suggest doing what they did in RS also add a ranking system which purp port is now known as rated clan wars in RS but if your friends chat wins a match your FC rating goes up and you should have leaderboards this way clans can officially say they are the #1 Clan if there at top of the leaderboards rather than having yell being filled up with Lavish #1 Or seeing #Legends come join us herp derp were random come join us pl0x we lonely.  


Thats the reason no one goes easts anymore you get these try hard clannie Bois that fight for 1 minute then they say fuck dis shit don't wanna look embarrassing on forums and they teleport away. And with people teleporting out now true winner can be picked so hash tagging ur clan in yell while saying it's the #1 clan in reality that's a statement based on pure ignorance.

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