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Since dbows are pkp now

Please make other godswords(Other than armadyl) pkp too and do the same for gmaul

no idea what price it should be, gmaul should be 1k+ tho

godsword smack-gmaul 2x is too op, and its free...


sorry typed this out fast, but I think most will agree with me.

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Oh wow... might as well add whip and DDS to this list too, I mean they're also too OP ... :kappa:

Reason these things are free is because this isn't an eco server, this makes things fair for new players. Having all these items for PKP means it sucks for people that can only use spawnables, would be difficult to get a kill. Your argument of GS-to-Maul being too OP can be countered by the fact that at least it's free so both fighters have an equal opportunity to use them, which means it's a fairer fight.

That's how I see it, maybe G Maul should be polled? Just for reference, here is past polls on some of these items: https://gyazo.com/32eb6d3baa12372129df1bb5311488c2

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