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Everything posted by elizathepat

  1. Good guide! Maybe you should consider saying what the teleports are for, instead of just leaving them as is. For Ex. "Meth" is a high risk spot that most players use to risk tons! If you enter the red portal at ::meth, you will not be able to use protect item on! Therefore making it more reliable to risk fight items. Other than that, the guide is pretty good, thanks for putting your time and effort into this.
  2. I guess i'm kinda like you ben. I log on to roat pkz to mostly have fun staking, pking a little. I'd say 65% of my time on roat has been staking, it's a hell of an addiction. But well i've been here for 2 years, I've been through some rough times IRL, and then I met Roat pkz. Roatz just brought me away from all my troubles, even with the raging 11 year olds, I still renember back in the day I always used to have fun pking with old friends. Nowadays, I just get on Roat Pkz to stake a little, talk to old/new friends, and PK. Anyways, this was a really good topic idea, I hope you get to know everyone in game and what they are like.
  3. wdf voller, you no get muted plox?
  4. It works now, Gretar reset server and it brought everyone back. Thanks for asking though.
  5. Tbh my items are on eliza, i have alot of donator accounts, but I just wanted to PK and stake.
  6. Hey guys, I tried to play Roatz, I logged in, and my account gets stuck, I haven't been able to log in for the past 30 minutes. It has happened with many other players as well, and I really wanted to get on my account. Anyone else having this issue?
  7. Nooo pls dont leev i give u pid hax.
  8. InGame Name?: Elizathepat Timezone That You Live In?: PST Clanning Experience? (Leave Blank If None): Alot of clans, Predators, mod in Seasonal, and also many staking clans. PKing Experience?: Nonstop PKING, getting kd higher and higher every day. Can You Hybrid? :Yes. Can You Nh? :Yes. RPKZ Join date? :Late December 2013 (been active ever since)
  9. Welcome! I've seen you around, feel free to PM me ingame. Kind regards, Elizathepat
  10. elizathepat


    Copy the picture, press on your account name then go to "Account Settings." There it will say signature, and just paste the image into it.
  11. Good idea, it might also make the players happier, but don't you think the voting items would go down in price?
  12. You make a pretty good point, but how could we risk it? The donators might be really aggravated after it happens. How could we be so sure?
  13. Eh, it would make alot of players frustrated, even making some people quit. We should at least give them something expanded like a donor island with way more monsters.
  14. That's what I was going to say. Just deal with it.
  15. Yeah, i think they're adding super doantor+reg donator dungeon. A good idea would be double the drop rate for super donators and more monsters to kill.
  16. elizathepat


    Teleport86 #1
  17. elizathepat


    #1 staker makin 6m from stat set, check out my pid guide tho.
  18. Here's a list of the items that I will buy and the price for it Vesta's set: 200K ea Angel Cape: 600K ea Phat sets: 100k per 2 PK gear: prices according to 70% fee in shops Tents: 3 for 100K, 5 for 200K. PM me ingame, Elizathepat. Will be on 8am-11am PST, 12:30-2:30 PST, and 3:30-9:00 PST.
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