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Isis Zqas

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Everything posted by Isis Zqas

  1. herrasing be like what is osrs?
  2. https://gyazo.com/eeba6c20f5d6a27487e24df951f2c536 https://gyazo.com/495b02e4b5154f5463e48822b4925953 https://gyazo.com/43fd4cdd491a9e959ae008c912f2197d https://gyazo.com/86c40b923eebf20ee64e06d8de2c18c0
  3. Isis  Zqas


    this game takes no more skill with these rune and mystic fights ppl been hitting 80 dds specs on me all the time the fuck u doing this aint oss idiot lmao
  4. heated 2-0ed ezpz !! i ns u 300 hours straight u tabber everitim i atk u bad pekr?
  5. make it a 718 spawn server ty !
  6. i received 25 oak logs while watching this viteo
  7. pls answer my comment too im big fan famous form pekr
  8. I killed you at easts like 3 weeks ago.
  9. if you didnt tab every fight we had i would have got 12 max sets mr bobby
  10. Isis  Zqas

    Bye =)

    cleared by herrasing?!?!
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