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am s1k ked

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Everything posted by am s1k ked

  1. Nice vid mate, more clips please 😩😩😩
  2. why die so soon???? please mans, don't speak big and die 30 seconds after a tb....legit embarrassing....soz to do it to you, but you stepped up, reject
  3. https://gyazo.com/a945c3dba7e33e129448bd7d36e8b9a2 is it possible the best pker can join your rejected ass team? #suiciders
  4. Way to log offline for once 😂😂😂
  5. please don't hate okay? a simple comeback at a reject that posted a kp a month ago on me, no need to hate
  6. Take this joke shit off here man, not funny, application declined
  7. mans....even his spokes person went afk when then happened, he was mid sentence too was ez for smackd, I want his free items next time
  8. Smackd died 😂😂😂
  9. Wow...it's been ages since I used the account bald hahaha
  10. good vid mate, share itam?? kk thx, but I still beater you in bridder 3-1 cu I win ily
  11. am s1k ked


    Beez the odd one, staking is horrible why you do dis to us?
  12. "he should be fine??????????" arun only knows how to hybrid, otherwise blue dragon will work him in nh all day love you arun, #kingeggs
  13. I'm vid famous wooot love the kill on bald he's such a good guy giving back to the community
  14. Nice vid, but how does everyone suck because all I saw was some sick rng on tank lmfao
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