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Everything posted by Smoothie

  1. Ks shelf asm3 Thx hhh Ty!! Thanks g
  3. Rlly nice vid And song Brings back memories 10/10 Thought same thing!!!
  4. So did @Gied4lifewin the lottery or not
  5. Mayday mayday Staker down I repeat Staker down
  6. Ye this would be enough and only the staff members should decide the players who are trust worthy and gets to be ranked in cc
  7. So i've been thinking about this for a couple of days now! I would like to start something new and different. If players have been pking for a long time and are getting bored, this could make them stay more active in game You know the "jail" place with the guards, east of ::home? We could start a new game called "odd or even" (that's what i call it). This would be the rules: Someone hosts. If a player trades me 5k pkp and he chooses "odd", and i hit an odd number on the guard, the player wins, and i will pay him back 8k pkp. If I hit an even number after he chooses "odd", I win and I would keep the 4k. The jail place isn't perfect but we would need a good place with some npcs to attack for this type game. Maybe a new teleport with some npcs could be added? A place where you can chill and just chat with friends or play the game. What do you guys think? Yes people can get scammed if they trust random people, but people would also have more fun i believe.
  8. I Agree. Kinda weird he wasn't chosen but o well Loc kodai loc ss loc
  9. Do you think new players have negative things to say about the new server supporters? If they see that they are helping out and being respectful towards them THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF NOT GIVING THEM A CHANCE this has nothing to do with you or me, this has something to do with the whole server. And if they help then ????? Why be so negative towards it??? They make the server a better place for new players?? That's What's important here me, u and other have been in this game for a long time. We have seen a lot of negative things such as the flame etc. If these server supporters can help out and make it better for the new people joining roat, THEN GIVE THEM A CHANCE. FOR A BETTER FUTURE HHHH LOYER IS IN THIS BITCH YES YES AND YES I would ruin the whole game
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