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Everything posted by Tesfxye

  1. short one from today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIOrzvRPrng
  2. lmao no its not 90% of kills in his the other person was out
  3. loollll ur hybridding is good???
  4. dont even say shit about my videos ever again yoobs... im not saying yours is bad, just mine is better
  5. whats with the weird zoom beak boy?
  6. welcome to my server :)
  7. Add decanter and you have my support. more ways to earn pkp is needed because if you are a bridder/nher like me (#1) it's not as easy to earn pkp as people tele a lot, especially since ags is so expensive
  8. Forget doing that to loot forget getting rid of chaotics and forget about fixing combat I'm waiting for fucking de canter
  9. I hate fighting people like you bc always cancerous hits, But nice vid
  10. Also a decanter for my fkn Kanker combat pot (1)s and (2)s
  11. Support as long as blowpipe isn't added, also untradeble pets would be cool
  12. gz graphics, but where tf is my ss? my application was strong.
  13. Nice Sebast, goodluck with your account!
  14. Tesfxye

    I quit

    Goodbye m8, good luck with your life. :)
  15. Thanks m8, i appreciate it. :)
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