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Extreme Donator
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Everything posted by Forecaster

  1. i'm spenting that too
  2. Basically reported yourself for boosting LOL
  3. please start putting out osrs content i will watch you
  4. Playing a server for 3 years means you don't go outside? Come on it's like saying you played Runescape for 10 years so does that mean they don't know what sunlight is? You're irrelevant. Think before you actually post something that makes no sense. P.S leaving your account logged in can count as play time so people who have 500 days play time might not actually been active all 500 days. SMH Ingame Username: Forecasting How long have you been playing: A couple of years on and off Do you have any single pk'ing experience (if so please specify): Yes did a bit of singles on osrs, Was in cutthroat singles before they stop doing it but afterwards still went out for fun just not as a official singles team. Also meerkats a team amenity led. Can you join Discord: Yes
  5. The modlist is pretty active , I would say the only people who aren't as active is the support team. But rag bot is usually on at times so I wouldn't count him as not active but sneakr is definately inactive. Also I believe they're looking for staff currently just give it time and there will be more support in-game in help that players that need help. It does take time to pick staff. Have to find the perfect match:)
  6. Should stream osrs. Your voice is so calm
  7. its because the resolution is to high basically unfixable
  8. #1 on osrs too Completed 2 years ago :l
  9. https://gyazo.com/3d9b8242612904eeaf7c98f49c181118
  10. Definately would like to see new support members in-game. Good job gretar
  11. Finally a system that will allow me to pk and stop getting bullied by #spartans at edge. TY
  12. Honestly at first I was eh about the update but actually going around seeing the nice stuff added into game I like it. Also the super donor / extreme is a pretty cool touch up too
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