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Is this what we deserve?


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I do really appriciate & support the "Achievements update"..

But when i feel like the game is kidding with me , it crosses a line that's not good in my opinion.

Should check what to do about it, because im not starting over what i've achieved in the past years.35367829_Sinttulo.png.032d56ead150af2d69274fa68a99480d.png

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It does suck having to repeat some of the past achievements, but it's a double edged sword, the game can't handle that much PKP entering the game at once, there are so many people, including myself who would've unlocked 250K+ PKP in achievements if they were all already unlocked. There is also the issue of tracking some achievements that simply cannot be tracked. Like completing X amount of laps on an agility course, or mining X amount of runite ore; there's just no way in hell the game tracks that sort of information down. Allowing players to auto-unlock the kc achievements would also mean that players with 5K+ kills should get the 5K kills achievement etc.etc.etc. 

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