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Everything posted by Smackd

  1. Welcome Back been a while since i've seen you.
  2. Sorry for banning your alt farming a KS to look like a good hybrid!
  3. They already are I believe, you can only spawn noted versions but they can't be un noted
  4. Not really understanding this. Claws are not spawnable, and you get them from Vote Boxes or Donator Island NPC's.
  5. This will be live with the next update!
  6. Smackd

    bye mades

    Take care Levi, love you buddy
  7. If you're going to speak up, and act like you have a say in demotions show your main, otherwise don't bother putting input.
  8. If you get scammed in 2016, don't know what to tell you.
  9. Basically the hand cannon of RS07
  10. If a weapon like this were to be implemented, it would probably be the Heavy Ballista not the hand cannon.
  11. You act as if you don't know the rules and didn't know what was going on. 1). He's risk fighting, I watched invisible as you ragged him and he asked for off 3 times. 2). I then proceeded to turn visible and ask you to off him and yet you still didn't. So don't go making forum posts about something that could've been entirely avoided when it was your fault for trying to be a rebel.
  12. can talking any of my baned levi?

  13. ism0kepurp is definetly up there, under rated
  14. Rank doesn't matter, it's who punished you, like Estimated said, he'd know more about the situation
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