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Everything posted by Umut

  1. My yt videos aren't monetized
  2. You need to be Mod ASAP!
  3. I will send clips, but my english is extremely, sexual and horrible bad.
  4. Still better than me U should give me lessons.
  5. You've spoken my friend.
  6. Very cold nice done mate.
  7. It's boring and there's no point.
  8. CW is dead ofcourse and I hope that I can change it with this suggestion. So I played a rsps called Emps-Scape and they called/made their CW = Emps-Wars, there are 2 teams, Saradomin and Zamorak. Each team has their own boss. The first team who kills the enemies boss wins. Most people rushes with a sick team to the enemies boss and kills him in 10 sec(if you're pro). We loved to play this minigame at Emps. @Gretar if u can make this possible with your amazing team, than the server won't be boring for me anymore. Only pking the whole time gave me a headache lol. This is how the Zamorak boss looked like: https://www.google.nl/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=2npfWq63CcLOwALB-JHgDA&q=rsps+zamorak+boss&oq=rsps+zamorak+boss&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...1450.8974.0.10876. Saradomin boss: https://www.google.nl/search?tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=5XpfWuTYOsLVwAKum5CQDQ&q=rsps+saradomin+boss&oq=rsps+saradomin+boss&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...1598137.1604887.0.1605261. Best.
  9. Like it, but some of the dance moves still doesn't work
  10. 1. Big bank on roat or a really good kdr with a sick ks? Big bank ofc. 2. Customs or pkt? Pkt. 3. Starting roat with a 750k bank or start with an ags but you will have a really good rng for one week? 750k bank start. 4. Ags or claws? Claws. 5. Risk fighting or staking? Risk fighting.
  11. Nice stakes, but with a background song would've been great.
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