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Dab mi

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Everything posted by Dab mi

  1. I'd apologise for asking but it seems that i didnt?
  2. LOL i was up by 150hp but he blood barraged me like 8 30s in a row rofl
  3. I made x4 that in 3 hours of being back........ Stop tryna flex ya muppet
  4. Who did though I haven't avoided anyone 😕
  5. Been back for less than 2 days after a long lengthy well deserved break: And I log into this after my first fight https://gyazo.com/50c94cbe3ef04138e05ebcdc5208f896 So I warmed up a little bit more, Went to edge and then this happened... Life lesson; Don't pipe up to those who are way better than you https://gyazo.com/50a89672e08a598754934a0c24d80740 http://prntscr.com/jju4zy
  6. Yeah Okay, you're definitely a retard.
  7. Look at the gear difference you fucking monkey lmfao.
  8. Yeah no I'm never fighting you again, 30-78 lolza
  9. "safe"? You recorded 1 fight out of like 10? When everytime you tried to 2 tick your ags LOL
  10. ? You're actually terrible l0l No boot take offs or anything, Just act like you're good when the skills you show and the ego you have don't match up lmfao.
  11. ? I literally 45-35ed you on 90hp and you still think you're 'feared' Retard you retired for a reason. You're shit.
  12. Tesl fought me twice and the reason I didn't fight him again is as follows: He got me to 113hp and then ags gmauled me. And because he didn't rng the shit out of me he said 'retard' Don't get smart retard. Iles didn't bully me ever, LOL. 71-9 on ancestral + ely skulled at graves on 85hp; Awkward ;l Also btw Smokepurp hasn't came back to edge without ballista since he got 1hped by a 65 claw spec. Want to know what else I should reply? How the fact that you nhed me in divine about 5-6 hours ago, And panic tabbed because I clawed you a 54 on range pray on 70hp. Oh and the fact I had to hop on my mates acc just to fight you and this time you got 1hped because I didn't gmaul, You didn't even pray melee after I agsed you, You tried to eat out it and in the end you tabbed because you're actually fucking terrible. Iles is 0-10 vs me in tournaments; Hasn't beaten me in one.
  13. Why not show the clips of you being 45-35ed on 90hp? And admitting to yourself that you drop below 70hp that's when you pray melee. "most nhers aren't gonna die to a 70 ags" You've died to a 70 ags more times than king barnes has died, Period.
  14. Relax small dick big ego You really have to ask that?
  15. ? you died 15 seconds into an nh fight because you finally banked divine, now the only way to fight you is make an alt or log into a friends acc, You literally nhed me on a friends acc the other day and got 1hped 28 seconds in this time. imagine if I didn't misclick gmaul, you'd be down another 60k you autistic rat. Don't count veng kills when you're fucking terrible at any sort of pking. 2.48 kdr, Posting killpics of 55 ags smackds in no armour on dh btw 93 ags veng stack- Completely rng and the 87 stack- More rng Found this on forums; Wanted to kill myself after reading it.
  16. Retired like keytracker retired or what?
  17. We all know who this is https://gyazo.com/72e84fe4d634e530f5820e5757ad33ab
  18. We got it the first time https://gyazo.com/8b4bc2436c1da66119362f9e58bc8d43
  19. I didn't come from this rsps thanks tho I'll be waiting for a sesh too btw
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