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Everything posted by Knasterd

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1q-ryDjny0&feature=youtu.be So my youtube channel probably got removed by someone that hacked me: New channel, new chances. Trying to get to that 1k again in 2019. If there is any way how you could help me to get back to where I was again please let me know and help me out. ❤️ Also little giveaway announcement in the video, will give some $ to a few lucky people. This message may sound weird and yes it is. Sorry.
  2. Main probably, or baby nh?
  3. Hello fellow Roatpkerz, Would you like to have a huge christmas giveaway? I'll be collecting items and pkp from roatpkz players and give it all away at a certain date. Let me know what you think by telling me in a reply on this thread and/or vote the poll! If people actually like it I will do it, and if you all call me a paki again just forget about it
  4. Thanks guys ❤❤❤ Hahaha and after the video I proved myself that you can also streak in a negative way 😂 Another rebuilding vid coming up this week reeeeee hahahaha ❤️
  5. Make it so your forums rank stack under eachother instead of just one. For example I'm aswell a donator as a youtuber but only have the youtuber rank.
  6. You should have been disqualified in first place since your video is longer than 7 minutes. Waheyy had more clips, not any clip became a bit boring (/waiting for the kill) and used more appropriate music in my opinion. Also th editting just made the slight difference.
  7. Who's that retard that ended 5th smh randy
  8. Bro send me the amount of clickbait video's I've made, even absol can count them without using his fingers
  9. Just wanted to thank you all, just reached 1.000 subscribers ILY ❤️
  10. Als make it so you can have more ranks stacked under each other. For example Administrator Youtuber Super Donator
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