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Everything posted by repent

  1. It baffles me how it’s 2018 and people (like @Pyd) still don’t know how to record
  2. Consider the vial smashing option so you won’t get made fun of
  3. This kind of nsing is the type of shit you’d see in 2011 rs white portal
  4. Interesting because nsing has been dead since 2016
  5. This must be your life’s work
  6. Jake died lol not rlly funny
  7. Two years ago I said b gloves on sunday @Pyd @Same Sea
  8. This zeplin99 guy is really ignorant and annoying - reminds me of my 17 year old self
  9. Good idea idek if the meta is still good for baby pures
  10. I’m pretty much near completion on building this baby pure - I was considering making it into a main considering my lvl 112 got perm banned. Dont know if it’s worth the grind anymore considering how expensive everything is as a med level or main. current stats are 70 hp 80 range (nmzing 85 today) 65 mage (85 banked) 70 str 50 attack 1 def Any suggestions for an alternative build with this account? Should I keep it as is? Is it worth being a high level player with the prices of t75 gear? I NEED ANSWERS
  11. Because you can animation cancel with them!!! So cool!!!
  12. Imagine @sophia being on a team called border patrol
  13. Can we add summoning too? Like how soulsplit did it id love to make an extreme acc and bang out 91k charms for 99!
  14. repent


    Nice I would buy this
  15. repent


    Not funny after the 4th time
  16. I ride Mercedes to universit mate @Gretar
  17. repent


    I just try to use your name to trying to get fummus
  18. jesus fuck kill yourself both of you are retards get over your internet persona and grow up
  19. Can’t autoswitch on osrs switches
  20. Hey?bro? I can borrow money bro?
  21. What happened to u why are u so salty now - we used to be massas and now we caynts reed
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