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Wtf Safer

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Everything posted by Wtf Safer

  1. 11 mins roatpkz video nahhhh but watched the 1st 2 mins,not bad
  2. Yess excellent time I'll be there
  3. Idk you but I'm guessing you're a troll but if you're not then you need some serious help
  4. Well this was funny
  5. Good read I'll be back tomorrow keep it lit
  6. If you even get to spec with ags on 70 hp vs a competitive hybrid then there was alot of skill involved lol but if you're fighting vs somebody like me who doesn't give a fuck bout deaths then meh
  7. Ahh the new mouse struggle this is why I only go for logitech gaming mouses because of the comfort you get used to it like in the first 20 mins
  8. Just played that at 0.2x speed,the xp drop and his melee prot switch would be pretty much the same time but since the roatpkz prayer system is a little delayed that was clearly on range prot
  9. Forget that, your gangster sig in rsps forums is even more cringeworthy L0L hope it's a troll tho
  10. This clan beef stuff only makes me cringe irl but on a realistic note it is possible to so ignorant that you don't even know how ignorant you are and this is pretty much the whole g unit clan tbh
  11. Man would love to come to this tourny,had a perfect partner in mind from 07 but timezone is bad for him so rip.Gl to the others anyways please vid
  12. It was an obvious joke,how hard is it to notice....
  13. (Got speced a 0 ags on 70 hp by sophia in finals but like persona said I'm best right so it's not my fault ) Go become the best hybrid now! https://forum.roatpkz.com/index.php?/topic/11753-how-to-hybrid-tips-and-tricks-by-persona/#comment-85597
  14. Lmfao code thrashed,love the shit talking during fight lmfao the disrespect is real,my nigga smokey is on a next level
  15. Hey I'm donating my eyes :^D
  16. Lol it's so sad how worst of the pkers get the best rng,like they get thrashed the whole fight and then they pull a lucky max hp ags-gmaul and the best part is they actually pride themselves over it lmao.I died to a 114 hp ags-gmaul for like 200 ks lol....I wish there was like a slight delay b/w ags spec and gmaul spec so there would actually be a possibility to survive hanter specs lmao
  17. L0l Ik the feeling lmfao it's annoying af,Like I need to click exactly on the opponents forehead or else my char will try to attack someone else
  18. Rather sacrifice a hit here and there doing fakies to get a hit on opponents weak armour than just hitting on tank relying on rng all the time,he knows what he's doing
  19. What the fuck lmfao,you're either using a shitty recorder or you have like a 1 gb ram pc
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