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Everything posted by WAHEY

  1. some1 give my bro professer his logs back
  2. could care less about ur risk lol was for the key, legit 3 people in fall in and suiciding in multi was your go to choice 🥰
  3. Apology accepted Got bored of top switching and wanted a change ngl
  4. The only reason the noobs have any recognition is because I gave them some level of acceptance (I, of course, being the founding father of competitive hybridding). Retiring undefeated with an untarnished record with only footage available of private sparring showing selected biased highlight reels. Even Floyd Mayweather (TBE) lost rounds in boxing, however, he never lost a total fight). I rest my case.
  5. Finessin forever a victimized staker
  6. Ye good thing he wasn't in the finals then lmfao
  7. Australia wins again...
  8. who said im neutral lol ur cringe
  9. nice kills! luke still trying to sell you btw
  10. weird flex good guide bro, u forgot the best money making method tho https://roatpkz.com/donate/
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