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Is it because it's the 10th and 10 is an important number? Naah

The reason is, I had pk video 10 finished like 1 week ago, but when I was rendering, Camtasia Studio 9 bugged in a very weird way and deleted my whole video.

(The loss wasn't that much, most of the clips were usual 5k ::risk zone, just a few where medium 50-100K risk fights)

After that I decided that video 10 would be something different, so I wanted all the clips on video 10 to be 100-500K dh risk fights, the problem here was that not many people wanted to dh risk me high amounts, so I end up going to do that at ::duel because people ain't afraid of me there. 

And these two are the reasons why it took so long to make this video. 



This video is the reason I lost nearly 1M staking, after winning over 500K pking :P

For those who need my help, don't worry I will rebuild easily if I stick back to pking :D

I also improved the quality on my videos, so you guys no longer have to watch them in fullscreen 480p to see it properly, now you can just put 720-1080 in medium screen or small screen. (This takes like x4 the time to render the video, and x3 to upload to youtube, but I'm sure it's worth it)



If you have any ideas of what you would like me to do on the following videos, post below.

One of the things I already did, but I didn't record and I want to do again is, going from 0 to 25ks at ::home while risking a custom, I may make a video like that when I can afford a

custom again :D (When I did that I died to CRMY 78 ags spec on the fight Nº 25, you can laugh now)


That's all hope you enjoy it!


There is also a player report in this video, when I win 150K risk fight at ::meth and I'm risking 300k,

CRIPPLEDNAN4 and KEYTRACKER team up to TB and barrage me.

(2:20 - 3:10 minutes)







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