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King Cosmic 2015-2015

King Cosmic

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Most of y'all obvi dont know me cuz I only started playing this serv on like 2015 october 6 or something.

I've only been bridding in here since then,lol ik no1 gives a fk about this but I just felt like making this post.

It has been a very good run for me in here,I really loved this server but I have to quit cuz Im really busy irl with my career lately and find no time for games. 



This is my kdr from around 1 month of 2-3hours of bridding everyday (ik its bad,I died to lots of bs on tank when ags was spawnable xD)



Still in the first page of top kdr in hiscores B|   R.I.P


I really had a lot of fun bridding in here and hopefully I'l be back in a year or two.


 Shout-outs to some challenging brids I've faced here I guess-

Iles -  You are 1 heck of a brid man,it was really fun bridding you and tysm for helping me with my bank.

God dildo -  Noob its bout time you start adding effects to ur vids pl0x,you're a really good hybrid and gl with more vids man.

Kids Maqe - Ty for sharing your donator account with me man and I had loads of fun hybridding you.

Mr Jake/Kihfan55 - We once had beef but Im just gonna agree that you were 1 of the best hybrids I've faced.

Yoobs - We only fought like 3-4 times and it was fun.You're a decent hybrid Yoobs.

Tom -  You're 1 of the very few decent hybrids that aren't cocky :P

Mr Taylor (XD) - We never really talked but it was fun bridding you faggot xD

King Kevin - Undoubtedly 1 of the best hybrids I've faced in this server.

Sinister - You're probly the only meridian member I haven't faced but I've seen you brid,You're damn good faggot ^_^

 And a few more hybrids but I really dont have more time to type right now :/

Goodluck with your server Gretar.

See y'all after a year I guess.

R.I.P King Cosmic 2015-2015.


Edited by King Cosmic
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Good luck with you're career, was fun bridding you while you were on.

ty,you're a great mod yoobs,good luck.

Gl irl and peace fam.

ty and pce

nice kdr man O.o and goodluck with your carreer maybe u'll be back sometimes ^_^

ty man and yea probly in a year or 2 

Pce man

ty for the donor again man,pce

Badass KDR, See ya bro.

ty and cya fam


Gl with w/e is up next

this is my last reply and ty jake,have fun hybridding,you've got great potential to be the best hybrid.


Edited by King Cosmic
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