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Everything posted by Yoobs

  1. Don't talk on our clan discussion topics gunit dog Do you step into singles without being on a rag bot account you weird cringy virgin fuck shut up
  2. Your gear gave me ass cancer
  3. Everyones surprised this shit is still up
  4. No it's not you delusional fuck?? It takes 5 seconds to change the formula server side, has absolutely no relevance to the client at all ??? It's because no-one ever bothered to implement any decent combat formula's on the game
  5. Yoobs

    07 clip dump

    Respect on the janitors repping
  6. No-one cares, you sit around with 50 rag bots on RoatPKZ ragging anyone that could beat you. Stop trying to act like you're anything but a spastic virgin fuck who's life mission is to avoid a macban on RoatPKZ to rag people, freak. You also try to comment on other youtuber's videos when you blatantly payed for sub's and atleast they include more than two clips on a "daily feast" video with no deaths in it??
  7. Can people stop posting Edgepvp kills in clan discussions they have no relevance and just reflect on the person solely.
  8. Tupac this is why ppl bully you ingame
  9. I tried to do something and did do something for a while when me and Smackd use to go hard on people that were repeat offenders but Gretar always lifts the punishments, it's not really up to moderators and admins because at the end of the day Gretar will just unban/unmute all the toxic people as they're the only people keeping the game alive. For a while the community was alright but it was so fucking dead because we banned 90% of the toxic people, so it's a necessary evil. People who come to RoatPKZ are people that have been banned off other p servers or are just looking for a bit of a joke really. This community is literally marketed at under 18, immature and mentally damaged orphan kids (and arabs) and that will never change. There's far better and more serious private servers out there, the only thing that makes Roat fun is the flaming!
  10. Wont get banged by you because you have never step foot in the wilderness you dumb fuck
  11. How does how good a team is have anything to do with being scouted and hit ??? Anyone can be scouted and hit, it doesn't matter if they're good like ?? what
  12. I can't believe you're acting like you have been playing roats for years and i've never seen you in the wilderness you dumb shitter be quiet.
  13. Thanks for your positive contribution Jblind
  14. LMFAO, i don't listen to rap or anything just a troll and it's pure fire anyway tho
  15. How would this keep the wilderness active when it's a pre-determined time and place set by the person hosting the event and has nothing to do with actual team pking like scouting someone out then hitting them. Will be cool for the first event then just become the usual and it will end up just being spartans vs renegades as everyone else is just dog shit
  16. Yoobs

    BRB again

    I hope that security guard caught up to you and beat the fuck outta you, little delinquent shit
  17. Speak up, you'll be next kp on the clan discussion fam
  18. How's that relevant you dumb negro??
  19. Absolutely fucking banged out #spartangang
  20. Now i just know you're a troll or you have such strong autism it could be weaponized.
  21. You're trash chat shit to me and ill deck u
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