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Everything posted by JBLIND

  1. Some say Kredre is better but idk
  2. Support, should be as an achievement to have this like on OSRS though.
  3. @poza style I know you didn't actually rwt so i would have accepted it at some point, someone like laferrari who got caught in pm's talking about rates etc will never be un-banned. No grudges are held with any players as this is not personal towards me simply a rule that you broke. You just simply need to wait. It's our choice when to accept appeals, not the players themselves.
  4. imagine if you simply said in the chat box or at the start of this topic that you shouldn't have yelled it and that you was sorry? Oh how that would get you close to getting you account back. Or just waited until one of your appeal were accepted like everyone else?
  5. Feel free to show proof that i ignored you, i help everyone that actually needs it so i don't really understand where you're coming from. Regarding your ban you think we take rwt'ing lightly? Idc if you was joking you will stay banned for the time being and if you continue to pester staff (mainly me) then it'll remain longer. And please do elaborate on how i 'abuse' power when the person you're saying is better than me used ::tiduel in his favor when i'm banning someone that yells to rwt (against the rules IF YOU DID NOT KNOW).
  6. you yell 'selling os gp' you fix up idiot talking about stubborn follow the rules next time. If there is a next time . Just have to keep trying and maybe one will be accepted.
  7. why the fuck you still here @Tupac
  8. Poll for pre eoc items to be removed again
  9. Moved to the correct section. L2POST noob
  10. I have pushed for the vote tickets to look different because this does happen way too often but as you said it was your own fault and scamming in general can be prevented in all ways by not being a idiot
  11. Not to burst your bubble but these are standard prices not 'cheap' and some of those items you'll have better luck selling to the pkp store or using on the lottery
  12. Nothing major on a Pking server but took me a while to collect and gotta love a bit of fashion. http://prntscr.com/eutg9w
  13. you'll have better luck asking in game mate, try and pm any staff online to ::yell for you!
  14. JBLIND


    You're a freak
  15. If you wasn't tbed the auto escape system would have saved you but I can't see a glory or a tele tab tho, unlucky tho
  16. She's on a pk cool down tho
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