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Everything posted by Hamza

  1. I'd rather play that than this, just saying LOL
  3. Hamza


    You're up then gzgz beez
  5. Hamza


    Appeal declined, use the correct format
  6. Are duo's allowed? (The two featured in the video share the pkp if they win)
  7. "I'm not even a hybrid? I DO NOT HYBRID ON ROAT PKZ OR OSRS UNLESS I'M REALLY BORED. Do you get it now or do I have to translate it to arabic? Completely ignoring Meridian and jumping to me because you know I don't have an account on RS with defence.. I can hybrid you on 718s though if you really want to hybrid me, bet you won't though you're not about the wolp & curses you'd drag all ur switches like ur bf why gg does on here LMFAO u guys are my fans " Do you have reading disabilities or what? GET ON A 718 AND I'LL FIGHT U LMFAO stupid 2016 pker "roat pkz switches" biggest joke
  8. Jag knullar din mamma din lilla horunge, du blev sur för att jag knulla dig i turneringen igår din kuksugare, hälsa dina systrar👋🏾
  9. why didn't chu act this tough when 1013 was calling you out to Rs on Getjumpd's live..
  10. You're a Lavish member, not Frontline you idiot your whole clan is just 16 year old virgin suiciders. Worst one in ur team too pussy keep shaking and dragging every fucking item to where they are not supposed to be 💀🖕
  11. Ofcourse I do Should make a duo w/G-unit, same switching level
  12. I don't do any of that, but if you're cocky, I'll be cocky too I don't care about getting server support, would've been nice and Gretars best decision if he did but whatever lmfao and besides didn't you use to say "Ur like the fastest hybrid i've fought. You want a max set?" on Teamspeak a few months ago? Now that can be a joke if you want to save yourself and hide from the truth for your friends to not find out or just deny it.
  13. It was joke, you don't seem to do much either though, starting to think YOU'RE the one who doesn't deserve his rank
  14. I played for longer than 3.5 hours a day Didn't mean you were supposed to hire me because of my activity either, just pointing out that I am much more active than any other staff member Oh, also, I've been on alts for the most part not Erca the entire time that's why you're wrong but I get it you have to be active on your main
  15. "Ingame ss" my ass nigga u got 46 hour play time of an ENITRE MONTH
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