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Team Selena Gomez

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Everything posted by Team Selena Gomez

  1. Legend make some tribrid vids fam ur 15%’s are nice
  2. Why not just log in and make a vid? You playing again in “2 weeks” (lol) isn’t something u have to broadcast
  3. Taking a break “off roat”? Lol
  4. Clickbait title bcus the answer would’ve been meridian but we haven’t played actively in 2017
  5. Socialism 😬 Economically socialism benefits everything I stand for socially (jaja) even though I don’t run in the tax bracket with whom financially I would like to benefit the most. I think equal pay as a society is comprehensively one thing my nation should agreee on but just doesn’t. We are ran by the rich old (racist to me but yh) white man who would never justify equal pay for woman or minorities. These old rich white men are the people by whom we elect, they are groomed from young to be philosophically dormant. How could you change your beliefs when you are a legacy thrown into a senators office at 13 being told you are going to be a senator and not believe the same as your family before you? That’s why I believe our government is structurally oppressive and benefits from capitalism (obama ur weird btw LOL)
  6. 1. Do 5 ways 2. Get rid of your karambwans 3. Try to utilize your brews early and often (you should always have only anglers/restore(s) left) 4. Don’t use bandos, use barrows. Bandos will just manipulate the hits into getting you kills you don’t deserve edit: also there’s many guides on YouTube to show you how to get rid of black bars so just look for them yourself. It’s a waste of time to wait on someone to do something so simple. Black bars is a common terminology, typing that into yt isn’t rocket science Good luck improving
  7. Some 😾 shit 🤣🤣🤣 👀👀👀👀👀👀
  8. Why do you think that’s “super unpopular?” At the current state of our server do you think it would be wise to make “everything” spawnable? If everything was spawnable what would you do to make the server money? I genuinely want to hear an intelligent response. Right now I don’t see how you could want that. You have free leveling, easy items, decent drop rates and so on. Having free spawn makes it so you recycle players easily.
  9. he's gonna reply back "lo0l !! ur in max !!' meanwhile he doesnt pk in anything above spawns so yh
  10. Gz to kbd it won a pet (slave kid nerd noob pet)
  11. He was learning to hybrid then if we had a savior1st vid from 2014 to pull up I’m sure it would be as bad js pointless
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