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back @ it (watch in hd)

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That last death, I have experienced this so so much and @Ahmash continually denies it exists (blames my clicking). Glad it's been captured on vid (yet again) but damn, sucks when it happens, I feel the frustration there. I call it the "I ate" bug since I see people say this so often, particularly if you stand near the respawn point you will commonly see it overhead. Errrr.... @Gretar  fix up?  >:(  Tempted to make an "I ate" compilation just for teh lulz.

Edit: check this pause out: https://i.gyazo.com/d984af7d5f6793e2b23ce789ee474954.png

2x torags body, no mystic top?! Lol (ik ik , mid-switch )

Edited by Game Support II
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