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Tiny Experiment

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So I decided to do a small social experiment to test how generous or nice players are on this server.

The plan - I made an alternative account to do the experiment so no one would know it was me, otherwise it would not have worked. (You will understand).

- Made an alt account, transferred some items over such as AGS, ACB, SERP HELMS, CLAWS, AND PRIM BOOTS... All decent pkp items.

- I was going on my alternative account to fight people and have a risk that I "did not know i was risking" (it's a part of the plan)

- I then purposely died to people with a risk I did not 'plan' on losing.  (I had primordial boots and dragon claws).

- I then would ask people and beg for the boots back since I protect claws, saying I did not know i was risking my boots, etc... I mean I asked a solid 4 or 5 times, not over begging but definitely making sure they understood and heard me...

- I then would reward the person if they gave me the items back, I would give them an AGS, ACB, and a SERP HELM.

I wanted to test about 20-50 people and see the results.

The results were devastating, I was on person #26 and I stopped... only  1 PERSON gave me my boots back (he won items).  1 OUT OF 26 PEOPLE.  Shout out to that guy. You know who you are :)

I was hoping maybe half the people would give the stuff back, or even a little less than that.  But I did not expect this shitty of a turnout... consider this one day. You get a noob begging for his boots back, you might win Ags, Acb, and a Serp helm :). 



Edited by hunnetsville
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TBH its most likely because most of the community is actually broke... you cant expect to get rich by pking 10 pkp per kill... and 500+ pkp is a lot to them so i doubt they would have even thought about giving it back... this is why im saying we need (dicing/mithril seeds/no pid system) and most of all a better staff system because being a staff member isnt just about banning and finding rule breakers its about hosting events regulary and actually tryna find new ways to make the server a fun place to be in. This isnt hate against staff members and i wouldnt have bothered about the boots but lets just try a bit harder. and if gretar reads this start giving staff members hp for hp events and items and so on?

Edited by mr e x p
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1 hour ago, mr e x p said:

TBH its most likely because most of the community is actually broke... you cant expect to get rich by pking 10 pkp per kill... and 500+ pkp is a lot to them so i doubt they would have even thought about giving it back... this is why im saying we need (dicing/mithril seeds/no pid system) and most of all a better staff system because being a staff member isnt just about banning and finding rule breakers its about hosting events regulary and actually tryna find new ways to make the server a fun place to be in. This isnt hate against staff members and i wouldnt have bothered about the boots but lets just try a bit harder. and if gretar reads this start giving staff members hp for hp events and items and so on?

support on events like hp events wars and stuff

some of the staff members have huge banks wouldint even notice a few items gone doing events :P 

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I wouldn't have given back stuff either TBH... at the very least I would have said you could buy them back, not free (unless you're a good friend). I'm nice, but not that nice lol!

On 5/3/2016 at 5:12 AM, hunnetsville said:

I was hoping maybe half the people would give the stuff back, or even a little less than that.  But I did not expect this shitty of a turnout... consider this one day. You get a noob begging for his boots back, you might win Ags, Acb, and a Serp helm :). 

The odds will be against me: if I returned items to 100% of the people that ask me, on the off chance that just one of them was you, I'd probably lose much more than AGS, ACB & Serp; so yeah, not going to happen.

Although this community is pretty terrible overall, I'd argue this experiment isn't really proof of that, because this would happen on basically every server and even on RS itself (and any other unrelated games). Esp. on a spawn server where you very rarely get items worth looting, the times you do is usually something to treasure not undo.

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no matter the circumstance i wud never gbs either, im a nice guy but i dont give out free items i believe u hav to earn everything and if u make a mistake u gotta pay the price

if i was feeling generous i wud risk and rm the guy to giv a chance of winning his items back

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The whole server is supposed to be a pking server. Most all players are broke if they don't stake or merch (I merch as well I'm not saying I don't). If we get rid of the duel arena players will quit, but I believe more people would pk if they didn't have the option to be greedy and stake their banks every day. This experiment was a good one, but I believe it would be obvious what the outcome of giving items back would be.

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