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Sage fest

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Everything posted by Sage fest

  1. Their resigns I saw lol, Killbob you were by the far the best ss and easily top 5 ever best staff members to grace this server. You kept shit real, you were knowledgeable, helpful, fun to talk to, etc thanks for your service. Gz to Ban, gl to fan lol. @Smackd where is my admin or ss rank at the very least? Smh.
  2. Slow down son, those capes are roatpkz legends.
  3. 1) Smashing your keyboard in excitment? 2) Clapping 3) My favorite theory, a victory 3 second wank.
  4. Sage fest

    Sophia SMH

    Why are you bsing Hector? Hmm.
  5. Heh, I was wondering if anyone would nitpick cbf to edit.
  6. I don't want micromanagement pking, "oh woe is me how dare they dd on me, whatever shall I do now Ik I'll go suggest potions to keep up", me disagreeing has nothing to do with me pking deep, strawman. I've already told you the problem twice, this is a pking server not a pvp one it's great you want some more pkp methods, but at the cost of the one thing that keeps roatz what it essentially is? stress free and user friendly. "The end is near", you speak of veterans but we've heard that countless times over the years yet manage 200-250+ it may fluctuate, but never have we been in dire need of such drastic changes. Gretar already understands his player base and that most of your suggestions won't fly. Though, this debate is pointless the wait time for this shit even if it was taken seriously is a year +.
  7. It's been slowly been transitioning the past 2-3 years to 07 sure, doesn't mean that the majority of our pkers don't pk at edge, does not mean a few veterans successful propaganda speaks for eveyone. It does not mean we don't have areas that outstrip bridders from pures, riskers, etc. Barrows, and dag are currently in wildy, now it's totally cool if you want them to their 07 designated spots. However, it does not change the fact your prices will cause inflation, it won't change the mindset of our current players that want instant gratification. They'd rather pk on the spot, Some of your suggestions are fine but when I see stamnia potions/decreasing run energy, I can't but help but link you to 07.
  8. Most of your suggestions to make money require to go deep wildy lol. It would require the whole server to be constantly getting fucked by veteran clans, and making current pretty much all pkp items to be worth more? This is a private server, I don't want to work just as hard as 07 when I can just play the real thing. The number one key aspect of roatpkz, is the ability to pk instantly while still being able to compete, once you change this fundamental aspect we aren't unique and we lose our appeal for the chance to attract a potential crowd you're specifically catering to fuck them.
  9. @Pyd, if you're still offering I'll take it off your hands. Or just do a random number generator and select by posts. Oh, to make my post stand out here's what no one else did, thank you.
  10. My condolences mate, happy thanksgiving to all.
  11. Can I report this nigga for bullying? sheesh leave these 2k18 kids alone.
  12. Thanks Lee I learned some decent songs, #2 since Trigun is among the top 10 anime so I'm biased, and that beat? jeez. I guess it depends on the type you're going for, first one Jaden made it into more of a chilled stoning/dancing video I liked it. Number three is my least favorite for a brid session.
  13. If you don't know what it is watch these two insightful videos, one is very short and to the point college humor. The other is more in depth with its own satire/humor mixed in. I personally am 100 percent in favor NN, however I'd like to hear thoughts. The reason why I bring it up is because the FCC is again trying to fuck over NN.
  14. Interesting choice of music bro, not my cup of tea but a good listen. Top hybrid.
  15. Sage fest


    I'm not epileptic but damn that's eye straining. I like the uniqueness though.
  16. I only slightly agree with the third one, what if you guys use it for other unrelated bugged issues? If you used other correct procedures like kicking, checking to see if it's true if another player was just fcing or whatever great. Just strictly bugging for this command? I agree. For the other two suggestions, those are just "trade secrets", you pick up by up by playing the game. It takes one or two seconds to type in loadkit, veng is only good for one hit.
  17. If anyone gives me shit for maging in d boots I'll redirect them here. Clean vid, nice switches.
  18. Don't sweat it bro, that's what car insurance is for.
  19. I came for the free karma train. Mb forgot to post something like, loooooool good shit bro tottally tubular gg scammed share I tbed.
  20. I am disappointed in your comments mostly because because I respect you as a person, for someone so intelligent you said something extremely ignorant.You don't have to be black to be offended by slurs, because you have respect for your human brothers regardless of skin color, as a fellow Muslim I thought you'd understand the meaning behind brotherhood, shit don't discriminate. Arguments like "this is a unique community, let's push the point of decency to see how far we can go" won't fly. "Oh, you didn't live through those trials and tribulations", then why am I being still being viewed as less than human? why am I seeing such a powerful word being pegged as less of a playful insult because you happen to be ignorant of history or social cues? if you don't act like this irl because there aren't any blacks near you and you became desensitized, fuck makes you think just because you can't empathize that it's not a big deal for someone else? W.E. I don't think anyone who says that word on here is truly a racist, just hollow and ignorant due to a non contested notion that anything goes on roatpkz.
  21. Sage fest


    Look man there is no moral, shit happens but I'd wager there's a majority of good people in this community over immature children. That being said trust has limits, you can always make what you lost back, but honestly? I respect your choice but sleep on it.
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