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Jade Lens

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Everything posted by Jade Lens

  1. Nice video brother good to see videos like this again
  2. Jade Lens


    Always viewed you as a moron on this forum but, good luck. And playing games isn’t a waste if you’re doing something productive alongside it.
  3. Dab Mi is an easy ags and he just curses you out when he dies
  4. Tome of Fire is really cool, but not too hyped until they add fire surge
  5. I actually felt the editing made the video
  6. Hey so during the HP Events it was really jam packed with a bunch of barragers so I was wondering if you could add chinchompas and fix the Phoenix necklace too, it would make multi pking even funner. @Gretar @Smackd @Legend™ @Fantastic @JBLIND @Ban152 @Khalil @k0ntv0cht
  7. I’ve never used it but people don’t really hit anything on me with it but sometimes it hits constant 55+
  8. Editing made this video nice job @Umut very talented
  9. Nice kills bro Why negative?
  10. Quests, erm. Probably the least important thing we can even suggest on this game right about now xd.
  11. Aren’t meant to work outside of nightmare zone
  12. @trihard456 Haha man down at 1:05
  13. Since the quest tab has so many new toggles, can you add a toggle to remove this sign out of your username? I feel it looks a bit ugly and ruins your username look especially if it’s a unique name. @Gretar @Smackd @Fantastic @JBLIND @Ban152
  14. Clean switches, good kills nice. Why the unnecessary hate especially if you quit?
  15. ::Riskdefenceon, you’ll never see a kill again.
  16. If you’re going to present an idea to the server, be serious and don’t be stupid about it.
  17. Support, make the slayer helm tradable so people who slay a lot can sell those to people looking to start slayer with a helmet right away
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