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How I Got Outsmarted & Scammed 160K


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  • Who Am I?

My IGN is Elvie, I'm 22 years old completing my final year of Computer Science in London. 

  • Important Background Knowledge:

Yesterday: I was discussing the matter of trust with Coban and we agreed that its difficult to trust anyone you don't personally know.

Today: I was at CW casually selling items when "letsdoit" logged in, we were talking and he showed me his customs before he logged out. Around an hour later a player named "Idantical" logged in asking if I knew anyone selling customs, so I referred him to "letsdoit". He then created an account called "letsodit" and pmed me saying "come to ::atmf" which is where I told him that a guy wanted to buy his customs. So, he told me to pm him and ask him to come. To this point I was blind and didn't realise the spelling difference in the name. 

"Idantical" made it seem like I was trying to use "letsodit" and challenged me to trust trade him items to prove a stupid point which was 'That you're not using him for free shit'. So I first traded him my outfit and the video explains the rest from here. 



  • Why I kept trading on and on:

- I kept giving items because I was oblivious to the fact that I was actually being scammed and when i traded outfit + pkp there was nothing left so I traded the other small items over.

- I knew that the real Letsdoit was rich and therefore would not bother scamming small amounts. 

  • My Request For Zezima / Yoobs / Smackd: 

I want no money nor any compensation, I merely ask you to track his other accounts and expose them to the public so that no one can get scammed in the same way. It was my fault that I got scammed, I got outsmarted but I would like to raise awareness to others playing. 



  • The Turn Around:

I have been receiving some help from kind players and I guess i'll give it another shot:

Thanks to for the donations:

- Jblind

- Mariah

- Iquality  

- LordofLava




Edited by Elvie
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1 hour ago, rolforion said:

Bl mate. Hope you would have realised it was non donor? Anyway come back soon its not too hard to rebuild


Ye man, ikr dumb af. Anyway listed some people that have helped me out so far. Kind community to say the least.


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This just reminds me of how smart scammers are getting now, any time somebody asks you to trade you their items (without them balancing the trade on their side) or asks to meet in some weird place, or anything at all that seems suspicious, just take a moment to think about it before taking action.

I know how you're feeling from personal experience, sometimes can just be dumb/tired or really not pay attention, happened to me on OSRS and lost a few million but I shrugged it off, luckily I wasn't carrying much when it happened. Though for me it was more of a lure than a traditional scam and I wasn't even mad, more impressed and even said "well done" to the kid that got me.

Stuff like this just makes you more vigilant, and hopefully it will never happen again (or any other scam IRL, where it matters.)

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